The Calm before the Storm

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The early morning seemed to be the dominion of the birds, for they in bright feathered plume appeared so very in love with the sunrise.
Bondita had woken up suddenly, not because of any noise or interruption, yet because her dream had come to its conclusion. She tried to shift her side only to be obstructed by Anirudh's arms, ensheathing her body as if to shield her from the vices of the world. Bondita smiled, a pleasing glow radiating from her face as she slowly recalled the adventures of the night.

"Good morning... my dear Barrister husband." She placed a soft kiss of his hair, where her lips could reach.
"Wake up... Big day for us."

Anirudh groaned softly, not ready to embrace the morning, and yet the tender smiled plastered on his lips that had made the morning looked brighter to her.
"A little while more... Bondita..." His sleepy voice sounded cute to her.

"Alright... A little more... But, what if my Barrister husband gets late for the court?" Bondita ran her fingers through his ruffled hair, making him snuggle into her skin more.

"Tell your Barrister husband not to bother us now." Anirudh groaned, making her giggle more.

"I'll tell him, but, what if he gets late?"

Anirudh inhaled sharply and shifted his side, lying on the bed on his back.
"What if he gets late... That's a tough one Bondita... No matter how much he would love to stay in bed with his beautiful wife...duty won't let him." He stretched his arms and flexed his muscles in bed.
"Life is so unfair."

Bondita turned towards him, crutching on her elbow, as she pulled the bedsheet covering her bosom from the shameless morning light.
"How isn't life fair? My husband would now go and fight the case... And win... And then at night I'll reward him nicely... once he returns." A naughty smile made her eyes sparkle.

"Reward haan? Sounds intriguing."
He raised his fingers to trace a line along her jawline.

"Yes!... It would be... Very intriguing..." Her hushed voice made butterflies flutter in his stomach and before he could react his stomach did."

"Someone is hungry!!" Bondita giggled, hearing the loud growl in his stomach.

"Yeah... I missed out on the kheer last night..." He grinned.

"But I thought you had the 'kheer'." She rolled her eyes and gestured towards her right hand kept lightly on his chest.

Anirudh bit his lips.
"That too..."
He pulled her face down by her hair to meet his lips, as they melt into their first morning kiss.

"Barrister Babu... You should really get up now. It's six." Bondita broke from the kiss and planted another one on his eyes instead, making him blush for a moment, before his face turned serious.

"Bondita... " His voice was a little stable, sheding away the luxury of the early morning cuddle.
"Shona... Please don't go to your college today."

His words had made her frown. The man who would do anything to make her study was asking her to bunk her classes?

"Why, Barrister Babu?" She asked politely.

"Because of some complications... My work related." He tried to force a smile.
"It's about your safety actually."

"My safety?" She asked.

"Well... Nothing serious though... But, you know that case I'll be fighting today earned me displeasure from a lot of influential people."

"Neelmoni Mukherjee?" Bondita's face contorted.

"Yes. To start with." He let out another sharp breath.
"Bondita, I want you to understand that I can't afford to put my family in any sort of... Well... Problems..."

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