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~Think I'm losing my fucking mind

Don't know where to turn, now I'm blind

Destroy yourself, it feels so good to fade away

Don't let your conscience get in the way~

It was a strange sense of humor that Jade had. The look of despair that flooded over Hawk's face made Jade smirk. Seeing Kyler flinch at her presence made her snicker. The fear in the dojo made her want to choke and laugh

Over the past week she had helped Kreese with scoping out new talent at the school. Her tia no longer needed her at the restaurant and with rent being paid without anything... she quit the dumb Hot Topic job.

For the first time in a very long time, Jade Lester felt free and in control. Her band mates were supporting her like a family, she wasn't fucking an old man for money, and she got to take her anger out on miserable kids. Plus, she had some nice angry sex every few days to keep her satisfied and Robby would be out soon.

So, Kreese enlisted the newly twisted Jade as his first sergeant. She helped him with who and where to find people, and gave some encouragement to others. In response, Kreese would give small praises here and there, making Jade feel... cared for and...

Ohhh, the irony of the new athletes. Jade loved the rage filled glare she received from Hawk when she snicker at Assface's demotion off the team. These looks and reactions were not unnoticed by Kreese, who felt satisfied that the twisting of one of his pawns was working out just as he expected.

It was the bedroom eyes that a shirtless Hawk gave Jade after showing his dominance physically that made Jade feel so many things. Those eyes conveyed so much through a single glare of the promises to take it all out on her after this was over. Jade enjoyed this twisted Hawk.

The more enraged he was, the harder he'd pull on her hair and more delicious bruises he'd leave on her body. She'd find him at at her apartment tonight, barging in and throwing her up against whatever was closest. He'd snarl harsh things into her ear while yanking her head back, as if she were everything he hated in one person.


When Hawk showed up at Jade's apartment that night, his knuckles were tingling and his blood felt like lava. To him, it was Jade's fault he ended up this way.

He had just wanted to be confident and now he was watching it be threatened... 

Hawk hated the feeling of his scar being his identity. The thing that people know him from. He didn't want to be that weird kid with the lip anymore and these clowns were jeopardizing everything he had built. When Hawk beat that kid bloody he felt a power that he had never felt before, but instead of being in control he felt... he felt...

He felt so out of control. He felt like the sun, blazing hot and burning to the core, but never having a say on where he goes next. He felt like a car with broken breaks, speeding faster and faster and faster waiting to crash.

Staring into green eyes filled with mirth made him want to scream. It took so much to just stand there on the other side of the room imaging her throat in his hands as he showed her just how much control he had over her. And with silent, glaring eyes he allowed her permission to see what was in store for her. 

Yet, all the bitch did was smirk.


"Did you really fight in a war, viejo?" Jade didn't bothering to hide skepticism as the two stood outside the back door of the dojo for a smoke break. Jade had her cheap cigarette in hand while Kreese enjoyed a thick cigar, both enjoying the smoke and nicotine flooding their bodies before the other teens arrived.

Kreese eyed the girl before letting out a puff with a small smirk. "Why are you asking that now?" Jade shrugged, not answering the old man. With a fake sigh, the man started to think about the missions he had been on in the jungle. "Yes, Miss Lester. I was in Vietnam."

"Ever killed someone?" 


Jade took a second to ponder his answer. She wasn't surprised, anyone who had been in his shoes would be this fucked up. "You ever gonna tell the others you lied about the rest of it?" 

Kreese chuckled, not at all surprised the girl called him out on his stretching of the truth. He took a good puff in from his cigar before letting it out of his nose. "Training SEALs... training criminals... what's the difference, Miss Lester?"

Jade snorted, giving the old man a side eye. "Aye viejo, I'm not the ethics police here. I don't give a fuck what you do, just seeing if you'll do something."

"And what would that be?"

For a moment Jade considered not telling the adult what she was think. And for a few seconds, John Kreese thought she wouldn't say it out loud. 

"If you'll ever tell the fucking truth."

"I've never lied to you, Miss Lester."

"Hiding things is lying, old man."

"And Santa Claus isn't real."

Jade rolled her eyes, but didn't respond to that. Choosing to enjoy the last bit of nicotine rush before the other cobras came in and caused shit. But, John Kreese had a different plan.

"How would you feel about helping me with another... project?"

Green eyes flickered over to the older man who held a devious smirk. 


"How comfortable are you with... holding a snake?"


"Con un poco de suerte, entraremos y saldremos sin que nadie se dé cuenta." Diego stood outside of the camera's line of site, looking around while his cousins finished putting on their gear. After scoping out the building over the past two days, the older cousin devised the plan that Jade had came to hi with.

Jade looked over at her cousin Rita with a smirk, throwing her backpack with the package over her shoulder. "Todavía estás bien?" The brunette scoffed, flipping her hair and leading the way to the building.

"No hay problema, ...pero mejor llévame una cita con su amigo." Jade snorted. No matter how much she insisted that Blake was not interested, Rita would not believe her. But oh well.

It's a miracle how she wasn't seen putting the snake in the car of LaRusso Auto.




Goooood morrow, friends. Go ahead and consume my trash lmao

Thanks for the kindness <3 You guys are amazing


I wish I could just throw what I'm thinking online so I could get this story out of my head already, but alas.... I have to type it, hate it, rewrite it, hate it, delete it, write it... Never ending lmao.

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