Big Lizard

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~I bought a big lizard, only a dollar-fifty~

~Well, that's pretty neat, yeah, it's fuckin' nifty~

~But I just can't afford to feed it~

A few days after Kreese's attempt at poaching the young girl to Cobra Kai, Jade found herself opening her apartment door to three familiar faces etched with worry.

"Jade, what the fuck?!" Jade rolled her eyes as the four bandmates pushed their way into the studio apartment. "You were in the hospital and didn't call us?!" 

"Yeah, well. Kinda preoccupied." Blake rolled his eyes and crossed his arms at the girl. "Breaking my arms 'n all."  Jade wiggled her arms to exaggerate her point. "Not that you guys care..." Rum snorted.

"That's a whole lot of bullshit and you know it. How were we supposed to know what happened, Jade? You refuse to use a phone, you won't come live with one of us, and you don't fucking communicate." The three bandmates had been worried sick after hearing about the school fight and unable to hear from the girl. Her activities and relation with Miyagi-Do was well-known to the band, so it increased their anxiety about Jade's well being.

"Yeah, well. Too busy trying to figure out how to get my shit together." Rum shook his head angrily and pointed at Jade.

"Get you head out of your ass, Jade! Blake, Scooter, all of us have been driving ourselves up the wall wondering what the fuck's wrong with you. We had to perform concerts not knowing if our lead singer would show up. That's fucked." Jade shook her head with a sneer. They didn't understand. Blake looked between the angry Rum and Jade and sighed, feeling his own anger soften. Jade wouldn't respond to anger, it just fueled her own.

"Jade, listen-" Jade was about to cut Blake off when Scooter held his hand up and narrowed his eyes at the girl.

"Now is not the time to be a smart-mouthed bitch, Jade." Jade blinked. Scooter was usually the calmer one of the band and to hear him so agitated was... unnerving. Blake nodded at his... friend in thanks. 

"Jade, we get that life is hard, okay? All three of us dropped out of high school because of the bullshit we went through and look at us." Blake gestured to the three men in old clothing and black. "We're still fucking depressed. We didn't have what you do." Jade narrowed her eyes and scoffed. 

"I have nothing."

"You have everything!" Blake raised his voice throwing his hands up in agitation. "You have so many people who fucking care about you Jade and all you do is act like the world is against you. We want you to succeed! We want to watch you make the world your bitch, not the other way around." 

Jade felt her eyes burn as she stared at the men in front. The anger started to filter away into clear concern for the well-being of the young girl in front of them. For the first time in many years, Jade allowed the walls to come down in front of others. 

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