Heart of Novacaine

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Thank you for the pain, thank you for the hate
Thank you for the way that you left me scarred
Thank you for the stain that you left on my brain

Jade sat on the porch fence with the guitar in her lap, her strumming bringing over a crowd. Ray turned down the music and the punk rolled her eyes as he pushed the focus onto the girl.

The punk let the familiar chords guide her into the intro of the song as she glanced around at the sea of faces and smirked as she met a familiar set of blue with a bruise on his neck. "Hi, losers. My name is Jade and I'm in a band."

Everyone chuckled at the sarcastic tone as the girl continued. "It's just me tonight because the rest of the band are adults who want nothing to do with this shit show, so here's a song I wrote to my dad."

"You made me strong you made me tough..."

Honestly, the song started out not about her dad. It had been written during the early days of her heartbreak with Hawk and then slowly became an open letter to those who had hurt her. Then her cousins came back and...

She realized she'd have to see her dad soon and Jade had to do some soul searching. She was stronger now.

She couldn't be hurt anymore.

At the end of it, the crowd clapped and cheered but Jade just waved them off and chuckled. "Yes, I've got daddy issues." Jade sent a sly wink to Eli, who looked away with a blush and small smile.

"And this one... this one is for all of us who have fucked up." Jade started, looking at her friends. Robby raised his drink with a smirk. "Get you a drink cause we're gonna toast to 'things got better'."

"Here's to us..."

"Now that's all you get for free! Want a show then come see us this weekend, 9:30 at..."

Jade gracefully accepted the praise as she left and gave Ray his guitar back. The man was vibrating at how happy he was that the punk played and the girl just rolled her eyes and headed back outside.

She had started craving again. She needed to get a patch on her arm and a piece of gum in her mouth.

The punk searched for a familiar shaved head and when she found it, butterflies entered her stomach and a smile grew. "Hey, enemy."

Eli snorted into his drink and looked down at the new presence beside him. "Enemy?" Jade shrugged, opening the sealed water bottle.

"Still in Cobra Kai, y'know?" Jade pointed at her snake choker and sighed dramatically. "A real Romeo and Juliet."

Just as Eli was about to reply, their attention both snapped to the two girls fighting. Eli and Jade sighed at the same time when the two boys joined in.

"...Should we start hitting each other?" Jade asked in question. She was really tired of fighting. Eli shrugged, also tired.

"They'll tire out eventually."

"This is pretty good entertainment, if I'm being honest." Jade commented, enjoying the quips and combat. "I'd pay a subscription to watch that."

And maybe the two should have helped their friends and teammates, but instead they decided to stand together enjoying their drinks. However, once the splashes began Jade looked up at Eli with wide eyes. The boy immediately shook his head.

"Fuck no, Jade."

"Come on! Let's fucking swim!" Jade excitedly took off her shoes and grabbed Eli's hand but the boy stayed put and refused going again. The punk let go and narrowed her eyes while throwing her jacket onto a nearby chair. "Fine, but I'm gonna jump in the deep end." The girl started to walk over to the pool.

Eli rolled his eyes and snorted. "Have fun getting wet."

"Oh chiqui, I'm already wet." Jade smirked with a wink, enjoying the blush. When she got to the pull she looked back at Eli with a smirk and yelled out. "Did I mention I can't swim?!"

Eli spit out his drink with wide eyes and watched the girl jump in, recalling a past memory of her at the beach not swimming because she couldn't fucking swim.

But before Eli could throw his own shoes off and jump in, Kyler Park had thrown his jacket off and dived in for the girl.

"Yo, what the fuck Jade?!" Kyler scowled as he brought the girl up. "Suicidal now?"

"Now? Never stopped." Jade snorted, upset that it wasn't a certain nerdy teen who came in after her. Kyler rolled his eyes and helped the girl out.

"What we're you thinking??" Jade's eyes flickered over to a nearby Eli and snorted.

"That a super hot guy would come to my rescue...." Kyler smirked and Jade smirked as she teased. "Too bad that didn't happen huh?"

Kyler chuckled and nudged the girl. "You're such a bitch Jay."


Jade had to dodge Kyler like the plague after that and when she finally got away from the teen, she was outside and sighing in relief.

"Boo." Green eyes widened as Jade turned around only to see mischievous blue ones and her lips turned to a scowl.

"Rude." Eli showed his keys to the girl, spinning them around in familiar way, smirk on his lips. Jade eyed the keys and looked back at the kids face. "Marry me."

Eli only chuckled, throwing an arm around the punk and leading her to his car to take her home.

"Should I be worried about your roommate?" Eli asked as he departed onto the familiar road.

"Why, spending the night?" Snorted Jade, checking to see if anyone had tried to contact her since she left.

Eli shrugged, stopping at a red light and looking towards the pink haired punk, spice dancing in his eyes. "Maybe."

Jade paused, an eyebrow raised as she set down her phone and looked towards the driving teen. She didn't see a single ounce of anger, or sadness, or regret on the teens face. And Jade actually felt nervous.

And excited.

She quickly went back to her phone to text her roommate.

Don't come home unless you're feeling like a threesome.
{1:19 am}

"You better drive faster than you last."

Maybe Eli pressed the gas pedal before the light turned green.



Hope you like three chapters of

I also forgot to mention I changed the book cover cause I could. Do you like this or or the old one?

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