Last Nite

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And see, people, they don't understand
Your girlfriends, they can't understand
Your grandsons, they won't understand

The next day, Eli skipped school with Jade and slept at her place. Last night was long and emotional and...

He was fucking exhausted.

Jade only shook her head with a small smile on her face as she watched the teen sleep on her mattress. She was working on new lyrics for a melody she had been working on for the past few days while the poor kid slept his misery away.

It was one of the few times Jade wore short sleeves and no jacket, her tattoos were showing. At the dojo, she had worn her tattoo sleeve to hide the arm and whenever she was at school without a jacket, she had the sleeve on too.

So when Eli unexpectedly woke up and asked about the ink, Jade looked over in surprise.

It was rare for Eli to see such an emotion invade Jade's facial expressions and it was a real treat. He would have to do that more often. The usual calm, collected, cocky girl was so fun to throw off kilter.

"I have a, uh, cousin named Rico." Explained Jade, setting down the guitar and sitting on the bed across from the boy. Eli grabbed Jade's wrist, causing a shiver to go down her own spine as his fingertips gently caressed the images. "I got a head bursting with music and a rose taped on me."

"What do they mean?" Eli looked into Jade's eyes, still holding onto the girls arm. She was quiet for a moment, her own heart starting to quicken ever so slightly. Attempting to regain control, Jade smirked.

"It means I like music and roses, chiqui." Eli rolled his eyes as Jade pulled her arm away. Narrowing his eyes, he leant back onto the bed and crossed his arms behind his head.

"What does that even me? 'Cheek-kay.'"

"It's chiqui, not 'cheek-kay,' you gringo." Scoffed Jade as she crossed her arms. "For that, you're going to have to figure it out yourself." Eli sniffed and rolled his eyes again. Not like she was going to tell him anyways.

"Fine, I'll just ask Miguel."

There was silence again. And the girl hated silence.

Jade headed over to the guitar and started to strum it softly, adding in some humming after a while.

The vibrations calmed Eli's muscles and tension. The craziest night of his life had him so wound up that the music was a welcomed bliss into the family. Eli closed his eyes and allowed the soulful music to send him back into sleep.


"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it."

Eli though about a certain mint haired girls smirk as she stood up against Kyler.

"Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

He thought about the painful burn on his arm.

"Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

He thought about the way green eyes looked at him with pride.

"Class, are you ready to learn the way of the fist?"

Hawk was more than ready.


Jade assumed the dojo went over well and the kid got the reaction he wanted.

He had showed up just as she was lacing her boots, not even bothering to knock.

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