R U Mine

877 25 13

She's a silver linin', climbin' on my desire

"I think you should come back to karate with me."


"Why not?!"

"Because I don't want to?"

Hawk and Jade sat in the girl's apartment on the floor. Hawk had his head on the girl's stomach and Jade had a cigarette in her hands. It was the first time the boy had seen Jade without the mohawk and he was still getting used to the hair going past her chin.

The boy was currently trying to convince Jade to come back to the dojo with him.

"That's not an answer."

"You literally came over with a nosebleed."

"Yeah, but that was on purpose. It was part of the lesson." Jade scoffed.

"That doesn't make it any better. It makes it worse." Hawk rolled his eyes and maneuvered his body onto his stomach and face the girl with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah, well, it'd be good for you to learn to protect yourself. Especially since you walk home from the Underground every night." Jade allowed the silence to wash over the room as she took a long puff of the cancer stick and turned to blow it in Hawk's face. The teen coughed and turned away, still not liking the smoke. Jade smirked and got up, leaving the blue-headed boy spluttering on the floor. She threw the butt into the butt-can.

"I think I can protect myself." Jade turned her back to the boy and headed to the kitchen.

Blue eyes narrowed as Hawk swept Jade's legs from underneath her.

Green eyes widened in shock as she fell onto her back and hissed in pain.

"¿¡Qué chingados, pendejo?!" Hawk wasted no time in pinning the shocked girl to the floor by the wrists and legs on either side of Jade's hips. Jade made a quick struggle to get the boy off of her, grunting and moving her body around. "¡Sueltame!" During the struggle, Hawk made quick notice of the already too small tank riding up the girls body and he could feel the way she rubbed right on his-

"Stop moving." Hawk quickly hissed into the angry teens ear, still using his weight to hold onto the girl. Jade did not cease her wriggling and Hawk was staring to feel... taller.

"Get off of me first, petero!"  He did not want to continue the feeling brewing in his body. Making a decision, Hawk transferred the both small wrists into his right hand and shoved them above Jade's head. He used his left forearm to press into the girls throat firmly, but without any real pressure. Jade quickly froze and looked into intense blue eyes.

They were both breathing heavily. Jade due to the struggling and Hawk trying to calm down the blood flow downstairs.

"You... you are not able to protect yourself." Jade scowled and went to struggle again, only for Hawk to press his arm further. "You're just proving my point, Jade!" The girl stopped and angrily met his eyes.

"Yeah, well. I didn't have my blade on me otherwise you'd have a different kind of butterflies in your stomach, pendejo arrecho." Hawk blushed at the sneer on the girls face and quickly got off of the girl. He shifted around awkwardly while Jade pushed herself up. "What's got your panties in a twist?"

Hawk rubbed the back of his head, nervous once again.

"So... you know how you said you had a cousin who gave you, uh, that tattoo?"

"Say no more, mi chiqui."


"So... you sure you want this, man?"

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