Thirsty and Miserable

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Thirsty And Miserable
You drop to the floor
You drink 'til you can't
Even see any more

Jade sat at the Miyagi-Do pond with her eyes closed and the early morning sun shining onto the garden. Her leather jacket laid next to her and she focused on the rippling of the water next to her.

Everything was calm and serene, just like the morning before. Eventually she heard a familiar rustle of a sliding door and footsteps coming towards her and stopping. A sigh escaped the punk and she went to make fun of the kid for getting there after her.

But she frowned when she realized she could no longer hear the pond and early morning animals. Her eyes slammed open just in time to dodge a heel to the face. Jade shoved herself into the standing position as she recognized Nathaniel in a stance in front of her, angry eyes and revenge on his mind.

"Why'd you betray Miyagi-Do? Why'd you betray me?!" The smaller teen sent strikes at the girl, forcing her to back up in order to defend. Her heart curled in on itself at the pain on Nate's face. "You don't deserve to be here!"

"W-wait, nene, I-"

"I thought that was me?" Jade turned in time to see a heartbroken Kenny staring at her in betrayal and sadness. The middle schooler took a step back and spat at the teen. "I hate you." And he ran into the dojo. Jade was quick to follow, anxiety feeling her to the core.

"Kenny!" As she slid open the door she saw Daniel LaRusso in his Gi staring at the girl in disappointment. Jade felt an arrow go threw her chest and she took a step back at the sheer emotion on her old teacher's face. "P-please don't say it." She begged.

"I'm disappointed in you Jade." The words sent the punk spiraling and she quickly shook her head, trying to escape the situation. The sensei only took a step forward and matched hers, his own head shaking and continuing to tell her why he was disappointed.

Jade shut her eyes and covered her ears, continuing to try to back away from the man. After reaching the end of the small porch, she fell backward and let out a puff of breath at the sudden fall. When her eyes reopened, they widened and she spun out of the way of a stomp to the face.

On either side of her was Tory and Sam, both with sneers and guards up. Jade felt defeated and lost, not wanting to fight anymore. "P-please, I-I can't do this anymore."

"No mercy, bitch." Sam spat out and ran forward first. Jade was forced to defend against both girls and at some point anger shot through her. This wasn't fair.

"I said, can we stop!" Jade shouted, slamming her fist into Tory's stomach. Only instead of a fist it was her knife. Green eyes widened in horror as she watched her friend fall to the ground and look up at her in shock. Jade took two step backs and looked down at her hand and dropped the knife in fear.

"What have you done?!" Jade looked up and saw Robby staring between her and Tory in horror. Jade's eyes started to sting and her chest heaved, her heart shattering. "I-I loved her and you fucked it up, like you always do!"

"N-no, I didn't want-"

"She never knows what she wants." Blake sneered from the porch of the building, Scooter came up next to him and shook his head. "She's just a leech."

Jade took a step towards her band and swallowed thickly. "Please, I can explain."

Rum shook his head and the band turned their backs towards the girl and disappeared into the dojo. Jade panicked, the feeling of being alone soaked her bones and she felt needles of shock going through her skin. "Guys, wait!" The punk ran through the sliding doors again, trying to catch up to her band and explain the misunderstanding, but she ran through the doors into the Cobra Kai studio.

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