Bonzo Goes to Bitburg

551 18 8

~You've got to pick up the pieces
C'mon, sort your trash better
Pull yourself back together

There's come a point in Jade's fucked up life where she wonders if maybe she should think before doing.

Today was not that day.

So when Demetri asked her for a favor, she didn't even ask what it was before she agreed to it. Her high was starting to wear off as the night sky became darker and the teens became drunker.

With green eyes filled with mirth, Jade sat on the end of the couch, her feet propped up on the coffee table. Jade had moved the couch earlier to face the stage, making other teens join via chairs around them. The mint haired punk was leaned back with one arm draped and the other hand holding a half smoked cigarette. Nate sat on her left, next to him sat Chris. Moon would probably kill her later for the smoke..

Oh well, at least it was someone hot doing the killing.

Jade would be perfectly fine with being smothered by the girl's-

"I would like to make a toast." Jade nodded, accepting the fight that was about to come.

"Hey, nene. Pass me my beer."

"To Eli Moskowitz."

"Hijo de puta, scratch that. Give me that bottle of Vodka."

Jade grabbed the bottle with the hand that had the cigarette and took a sip of the clear liquid. When Chris and Nate gave her weird looks, she just rolled her eyes and puffed a cloud of smoke away from them.

"-but underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good ole' Eli." Jade nodded her head and leaned to the other teens nearby.

"He actually uses Revlon, but that was pretty funny."

"My binary brother. Well, he was my binary brother. You know what he is now? A real zero." Everyone chuckled, enjoying the nerdy humor. Nate was losing his shit next to Jade, who honestly found it really sweet.

"I love math humor." Jade couldn't help but to laugh after that. It was just such an honest-to-god innocent reaction to the roast and it made the girl happy. Hawk's eyes flickered over to the laughing girl and felt his glare sharpen.

"Alright, that's enough Demetri."

"Hey, don't let that angry red hairdo fool you, he's a big softie. We watched every Harry Potter movie together and he bawled like a baby when Dobby died." Jade lifted her bottle and took a drink to that.

That's some funny shit.

It wasn't the crying at a character's death that made it funny, but it was the rage that filled the room that made Jade enjoy the show. She didn't even have to turn around to know that Hawk was absolutely losing his shit.

She loved it.

Jade was thoroughly enjoying his humiliation and wanted more. She prepped herself for more words of pain and put her feet on the floor.

When Jade was done with her cigarette she let the smoke out of her lungs. Leaning forward, she put the butt out on the glass coffee table and listened intently to everything Demetri had to say.

"I've got one more thing. Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis."

Oh did she ever. The times Eli spent the night at her apartment, there were a few accidents. Jade wouldn't say anything as the red faced boy sprayed copious amounts of bleach on the mattress in the morning, scrubbing it down with an old t-shirt.

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