Don't Bother Me

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~I see your face every day (every day)~
~And you turn the other way~
~I never talk to you~
~You're always talking to me~

"Open your bag."

Jade scowled as she handed over her property, not liking the way the security guard sneered at her appearance. The balding jerk thoroughly inspected the girl's raggedy back and her eyes rolled as the guard took more time in hers than she had seen previously. 

"So, ya sexist, racist, or just a normal asshole?" The guard narrowed his eyes at Jade as he barked out at the girl.

"Don't disrespect me, little girl!" Jade wished she had more than two eyes to showcase the near-painful eye-roll that she returned. "Watch the sass, kid. I'll-"

Jade grabbed her backpack and started walking away, ignoring the angry rant of the bald headed loser behind her. The blue haired teen had more important things to worry about.

"That's the girl who almost stabbed someone."

"I heard she spent the last two weeks in juvie."

"Yeah, I heard that she killed someone while in juvie, but the mafia she's apart of covered it up."

Jade's eyes were not going to be able to handle the school year if comments like that continued to surface. While amusing, it was also annoying to be constantly reminded of the day. Jade continued her way through her classes, ignoring the stares and comments of the weak teens around her. 

Kreese might have been a little psychotic, but he was right about a few things. 

People were weak.

She allowed the stares and the whispers to soak through her skin, it fulled an anger hidden in her body. One that Kreese had instructed her to hold onto for the future. 

Jade allowed herself a glance at the doors that led to the cafeteria and considered if she should inside. There wasn't much in there and she didn't particularly feel like being an animal in a zoo. A burning in her throat made her crave a cigarette.

The blue haired girl turned around only to knock into a chest and back up. Through narrowed eyes the girl looked at a familiar red-headed teen and sneered. The sneer was met with a smirk as Hawk crossed his arms and looked down at Jade.

"Where ya goin?" Jade rolled her eyes and attempted to step around the red head, only to be stopped by one of the other losers that stayed attached to his hip. "Going somewhere so soon?"

"Listen, pendejo. I don't have time for you to talk to me about how much you love killing animals or stealing kids lunch money." Jade put her hands up and widen her eyes mockingly as she did some jazz hands. "Wow, you're a bully, congrats!" Jade's face fell back into a sneer as she once again tried to step around.

Hawk's smirk turned into a scowl as he took a step towards Jade trying to intimidate the smaller teen.

"Hey, watch it." Jade rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, deciding this wasn't worth it. The red head would be in for a surprise this weekend when he saw her face in the dojo. Maybe she could get it on camera. "Hey, we're talking to you!" Jade's face changed when the kid had the audacity to snap in her face to get her attention. 

"You did not just do that." Jade's eyes narrowed and Hawk smirked once more, enjoying the annoyance growing on the punk's face. He snapped again reaching out further to empathize that he did just do that.

"Do what?" The two boys next to Hawk snickered, enjoying the scene. "This?" Hawk once again snapped in front of Jade's face. "What about if I do it with my left hand?" Snap. "Two hands?"

Jade closed her eyes trying to ignore the red hot anger that poured from her heart and clouded her brain. She tried to envision herself next to the pond once again, breathing in and out. Robby is there with his glorious hair and calming voice telling her to just breathe. Her hand touches the still water and cools down the-


Jade's eyes opened and she grasped Hawk's wrist aggressively and yanked the red head to her with a snarl on her face. The smirk that stayed present on the boys face further infuriated the young girl who opened her mouth to berate the boy.

"Ms. Lester! What do you think you're doing!" The shriek was shrill and did nothing to quench the anger boiling in her veins. Jade's green eyes narrowed at the knowing smirk that mocked her as the counselor headed their way. "Unhand Eli right this instant." 

"She only used your first name because your last name is dumb, piss boy." The harsh whisper came out like poison while Hawk put on his Eli facade, letting a small bit of annoyance pass through his eyes. The adult quickly put herself in the middle of the action, forcing Jade to throw the arm away. 

Eli pretended to cringe his arm towards him and looked down as Counselor Blatt looked at the young boy with concern.

"Eli, are you okay?" Eli nodded shy, looking up at the woman with shy eyes. Blatt's head whipped around at Jade's scoff. "What is going on here?!" 

"C-counselor Blatt, it was nothing. I was just a-apologizing."

"Apologizing!?" Jade let out a little laugh, her mind being blown at the story that was unfolding. The girl took a step back and folded her arms, eyes filled with twisted mirth at whatever concocted bullshit came out next. "This bullshit has gotta be good."

"Ms. Lester, watch the language!" Blatt scolded the punk in front of her before turning to Eli with kind eyes. "Apologizing for what, Eli?" Eli shifted his stance and looked around nervously before looking at the ground and messing with his hands.

"F-for breaking our relationship before school started... I-it started advancing to something I-I wasn't ready for." 

Jade blinked and nodded to herself, mildly impressed. Clever, manipulative bastard.

"Oh, Eli. I know that relationships can be hard." Counselor Blatt gave the boy an understanding smile. "You know consent is key and I am proud of you." Eli nodded shyly and looked down, playing with his hands nervously. 

Jade's emotions felt like they were short circuited. She didn't know wether she should be offended or impressed at the finesse. 

"Are you talking about when we had sex and you left?" Hawk blushed lightly, not expecting the girl to outright say it. For a second the facade became real as he stuttered out random syllable's not quite sure how to respond. But he had nothing to worry about. "I think we must have slept with different people, cause that ain't how I remember it."

"Oh, Eli." Counselor Blatt's face was full of sympathy for the young boy as she made glances of rage and suspicion towards the girl. She stepped closer to the boy and whispered to him if it was consensual. 

Jade nodded, completely done at that point and started walking away, allowing Eli the awkward embarrassment of explaining their sexual endeavors. 

"M-Ms. Lester, get back over here!" 


And so Jade walked to her spot behind the school and smoked her cigarette. While sitting against the wall of the school, she wrote in her journal, burying her nose deep into the harmonies and words of her music.

Oh, I love the misery


A/N: So the timeline on Cobra Kai really confuses me, so I am taking some liberties with this story. Sam's first day of school was a few days ago and I'm spreading out important events to add room for more content with Cobra Kai characters. That's what I like it in a fan fiction, more to the world, so I hope others do as well. :)

I am trying to make the eventual confrontation with Miyagi-Do believable. it's a little hard to imagine for me so I will work diligently to make it good for you guys. :)



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