Here's To Us

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If they give you hell
Tell them to go fuck themselves

On the night of prom Jade had ended up backseat in Kyler's car with the poor girl he roped into bringing up front. Every time Jade would poke fun at the teen, Kyler would only bite back that it was her fault and to shut up.

It definitely was fun for her people watching from the back of the gymnasium. The punk felt relaxed at the upbeat atmosphere and enjoyed everyone having a good time. Even watching Sam and Miguel dance happily made Jade smile softly. There was something almost freeing being alone.

Robby and Tory were running late (something Jade assumed was intentional), but Kyler and the others were having a great time at different locations throughout the room. The punk knew that Kyler had brought alcohol and wasn't offended when he didn't ask her if she wanted some or automatically put some in her drink.

It would be a hard road ahead of her, especially with her job description and location.

Eventually her sights set onto a familiar nerd duo and Jade's heart stung. The two talking together felt right to the punk and she was happy to watch them get along. She just couldn't help but feel like there was missing with where she was at.

Jade would never understand the pairing between Demetri and Yasmine, but the punk supposed it wasn't for her to figure out. High school were the years to experiment, was it not? Maybe the nerd found the girl who could keep him out of his safety box and perhaps the rich girl found the boy who could keep her straight.

But the pink haired girl felt her heart go out to the boy who was left alone.

Eventually Tory and Robby entered through the front doors, ready to make a scene and by the look on Sam's face... it was working. The couple scanned the room and when they spotted the punk, they immediately headed towards the girl.

Jade smirked and let out a catcall. "Okay, mami y papi, I see you." Jade grabbed Tory's hand and gave the girl a twirl while the three chuckled. "I might be stealing your date tonight, guapo." The punk joked, an arm sliding around the waist of her friend. "She's too pretty for you."

Robby chuckled and leaned forward on the standing table. "Like you could beat me." Jade smirked.

"With my eyes closed guapo." Jade teased back, the taller girl rolling her eyes in good fun. Tory gave the girl a solid squeeze before dipping around to join her date at the table, causing Jade to groan. "Oh, mi reina. Why you do this to a girl's heart."

"I can fight for myself, thank you both very much." Tory said simply with a smirk. Her eyes locked onto Jade and sighed in content. "I'm happy you came, Jay."

The punk snorted. "Yeah, so happy to watch the teens around me make out and get drunk. Which both are things I can't do." Jade sighed, drumming her fingers on the table. "The temptation is killer."

Tory rubbed Jade's back in consolation. "You can do it, Jay. We're here for you." The punk snorted. "Really, Jay. We got your back."

Robby's eyes were noticing a certain shaved teen making glances towards the three, looking depressed above all hell. A sigh left the dropout as he recalled the many songs in Jade's journal regarding the boy. She could argue all she wanted too, but Robby wasn't dumb.

"Yeah yeah, reina. Go do your dancing shit and make those two bozos shit bricks for me, 'aight?" Tory chuckled and nudged her friend by the shoulder, concern still in her chest. Robby sighed, understanding that Jade wasn't in the mood to talk, but neither was this the place for it. So, with a smirk that made Tory's heart beat just a little faster, he offered his hand and the two went off to do their thing.

Jade followed the two with a bittersweet smile.

"Hey, Jay." The punk heard behind her. Instead of turning around, Jade sighed and bent her head all the way back to look at an upside down Kyler. Even with the platforms Kyler was taller. "You owe me at least one dance." Jade tried to hide a smile and turned to look at the teen properly.

"I don't owe ya nothin', bello." Jade commented, while taking the drink Kyler offered her (she tried not to cringe when there was no alcohol). Kyler snorted and joined his teammate at the table. "Your date not jealous? I don't need a fucking Carrie moment on me 'cause you ignored her."

"Nah." Kyler chuckled out, sipping on his own drink (Jade scowled, that definitely had alcohol in it.) "Hey, don't look at me like that." The punk rolled her eyes and groaned. "Come on, one dance." And Jade considered it for a moment, the hand outstretched towards her, her friend's dark eyes looking at her with a small smirk.

"Fine, damn." Jade cursed, grabbing the hand and allowing herself to be pulled to the dance floor. Kyler let out a whoop as he excitedly got the pink haired Latina on the dance floor. "Well, at least we're the most diverse couple on the floor." The two laughed cynically before Jade paused with wide eyes at the next song and stared at Kyler. "No fucking way."

Kyler let out a knowing smirk as he nodded.

Jade grabbed onto Kyler's wrists in excitement and pulled him down toward her. "How?!"

"I know the DJ, duh! Now shut up and enjoy your own fucking song!"

Tears welled up into Jade's eyes as the familiar guitar led into her song, the one that the band had just recorded to send to potential gigs and labels. Kyler scoffed at the girl, "you ain't becoming a little bitch are ya, freak?" The punk rolled her.

"Fuck you, dick." Jade with a grin as the two moved to the beat and enjoyed the song. "I'm surprised they let this song play with all the F-bombs." Kyler shrugged, not explaining any further.

"Here's to us. Here's to love." Jade sang along as her other friends closed around her and the four danced together happily and in sync, all of them singing along and laughing. "'Cause the last few nights kicked my ass!"

Kyler wrapped his arm around the punk's shoulders and Robby spun Tory while the two girls yelled out along with an grin. "And if they give you hell..." Jade and Tory made eye contact and shot their middle fingers in the air. "Tell 'em to go fuck themselves!" The girls fell into giggles while Robby and Kyler rolled their eyes in good fun.

Around them pairs of eyes stared with jealousy at their happiness. Sam found herself jealous of the four friends being carefree and ignoring everything around them. Jade banging her head back and forth while the other three laughed joyously at the imitation metal concert. Eli found himself sad and angry and so many other emotions at the happy Jade with her friends.

The eye contact between the punk and his bully made his heart constrict and an arrow stabbed through his chest at every touch. It was hard to watch everything and with his best friend enjoying himself, he felt so small and so alone.

Eventually green eyes met blue and Jade's grin faded a little as the two found difficultly in cutting it off. The two were so tired of being angry and after the past month of being gone (the rumors surrounding her disappearance were crazy) Jade just wanted the fighting to stop.

So, she offered a small smile and Eli in that moment felt his heart dance.

The teen didn't even get to return it because Kyler had already thrown his arms around the girl's waist and spun her around, eliciting a small scream of joy. Eli put his head in his hands and groaned.

He was such a mess.



I felt like making jade a little more masc for prom. I know ppl like big dress up for prom, but jade doesn't like doing what's expected. i can't envision her in a dress, but i can see her lookin' bitchin in a vest

ALSO I GOT ADDED TO A LIBRARY CALLED "The first four seasons of cobra Kai verbatim except a paper thin Oc happens to be there" and I can even find it in me to feel offended and I am chortling so hard. Check out Den12122 for the explanation, NO BAD THINGS CAUSE THEY AINT WRONG LMAO


get ready cause when this is over I have so many drafts that could have happened to throw your way. Thanks for the good vibes, friends. 90 days sober as of yesterday and it's been a wild ride.

love <3


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