Los Angeles is Burning

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~Even the stars are ill at ease~

~And Los Angeles is burning~

Jade watched carefully as the man ignored every cigarette, liquor bottle, and bag of weed as he helped put her things away. Kreese said nothing as he closed the final cabinet and turned towards Jade, who cautiously had herself on the other side of the kitchen island. 

"Doors that way." Jade nodded her head towards the exit. "Thanks, I guess. This doesn't mean I like you." Kreese shrugged his shoulders slowly .

"I didn't expect you to." Kreese's eyes went to the stack of bills on the kitchen counter. 

Kreese had eyes everywhere in the darkest alleys of the world. The man knew that Jade made money singing in the freakish club. He'd been to the Underground and he knew of the things that went on in there. The music, sex, drugs, trafficking, prostitution... it was a degenerates safe haven.

"I know your, uh, dojo is obviously helping you." Kreese looked at the girl as he lit a cigar. "but, if you need anything. I'll leave my card." Jade snorted as she watched the mad drop the rectangle on the stack of bills. 

"Yeah, whatever old man. Get out of my apartment, it's starting to smell like a snake."


"Kreese, mi viejo amigo! How are you?"

"Bennie, my friend. I'm doing fine. How's the business?"

"Got my son doing most of the managing these days so I get more... free time." Kreese nodded with a smirk, taking the offered drink. 

Captain Benicio Ignacio. The man served with both he and Silver back in Vietnam on the Special Forces team, but was never into the karate business. The man was always slimy, coming from cartel money and Guatemala. He fought dirty. Bennie enjoyed having his hands dipped in the darker side of life, making money off of those who hide in the shadows.

When Bennie returned from the service, he started The Underground, a place where freaks of the night could meet up and be entertained. Bennie would start other endeavors and started slitting the management amongst his sons. His youngest son, Rafael, was currently taking over the club.

Sure, Rafael was into some... ethically challenged business deals. But the man couldn't blame his son. He was the same way.

To Bennie, Kreese was a fine contact. He was morally grey, willing to do what was best for him and his friends that were most loyal. Kreese was always a snake and always will be.

"So, El Capitan. To what do I owe this visit?" Kreese took a puff of his cigar as he eyed the old friend in front of him. "After what you did couple years back... I owe you big."

"It's about your son."


Jade didn't know how she was going to make rent tonight. It'd been a week and a half after the school fight and she stood at the entrance to the club. She couldn't even grab a dick if she wanted to.

And for the first time in a very long time, Jade wore a hoodie. Her stupid fucking leather jackets would not cover her arms and she'd be damned if the world could see that she was weak.

Too bad it was Hawk's old grey hoodie.

With a scowl, Jade slammed open the door and walked inside to get the worst part of her month over with. Maybe if he would take her, she could come again once a week so she could pay for her medical bills. 

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