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Inside, I'm paralyzed

Fuck it 'cause I'm in too deep

"....You wanted to talk."

Oh shit, oh fuck. If Jade wasn't intoxicated, the punk would have hung up and ignored this call. It would have been the right thing to do and the easiest of all her options.

But sadly, the drunk teen was never good at decisions even when sober.

"Yeah, I, uh..." Jade fumbled over her words, something that the punk wasn't used to and neither was the shaved teen on the other line. Eli was sat on his bed, right hand clinching his phone to his ear. His stance was rigid and on guard. "Fuck, I didn't think you'd call, um."

Eli sighed and closed his eyes. "I knew this was a bad idea. Call someone-"

"W-wait, no!" Jade pleaded with her old friend. The outburst made the punk cringe and look around, praying no one heard her. Thankfully, it would seem no one else was outside but her. " Fuck, I-I don't know where to begin. It's so good to hear you..."

"..." There was a silence. Eli wasn't sure what to say. "...Have you been drinking?"

"I drink everyday."

"You're drunk."

"Every weekend." 

Eli sighed and grabbed his nose between two fingers. "...Where are you?"


"Okay, I'm hanging-"

"Wait, please, Eli!" 

Hearing his name come from Jade's lips made Eli angry. "Why are you fucking talking to me?"

"I don't know!" Jade closed her eyes and took a few calming breaths. She didn't want the others to hear her and she didn't want to chase the teen on the other line away. There was so much going on in her head and the alcohol made her feel like she was on a wave of clarity and in a tsunami of chaos. "...Why did this happen?"

Across the town Eli let out a sigh that made him sound older than he really was. Drunk-Jade was too honest and chaotic in his experience, maybe he should just hang up. She was with her friends. "..."

"I get it, Eli." Jade's eyes stung, but punks don't cry so she talked through it. "I don't fucking deserve shit. I've done a lot of bad things and I-I I'm so lost. It feels like I'm in a dark abyss with no way out and no light. I-I..." Jade stopped, afraid she might lose it.

Eli frowned, more concerned than when she last called drunk. There was a lot of emotion coming through the device and he was having trouble deciphering if they were all real.

Jade's head snapped to the right and her heart stuttered as she noticed a familiar teen headed her way. Kyler. He's going to know. The punk sent a wave over to Kyler who returned it and discreetly hid the phone in her pocket while picking up the fallen cigarette. 

Eli frowned when there was a long silence. "...Jade?" The line was still on and for a moment, he was worried that she had passed out. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to make out a faint conversation, but soon his worry would steel into anger and disappointment.

"Hey, Jay. What's goin' on?" Kyler started out, stopping in front of the punk. "You comin' back in soon?"

"Yeah man, of course. Just wanted some fresh air after the tequila shots." Jade smirked and stuffed her hands in her jacket's pockets. "Hate that shit."

"Too bad Lip didn't take the bait, huh?" Chuckled Kyler as he gave the girl a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Was really hopin' I'd get to mess with the little shit some more, maybe return the bloody nose he gave me?"

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