I Miss the Misery

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I've been a mess since you stayed
I've been a wreck since you changed

Jade's eyes widened. The punk quickly got out of her chair and turned around to see Eli without his coat on.

"You went to rehab?" Eli asked softly, a small frown on his face as he thought more about what he had just uncovered. "Shit, you almost died?!"

The punk was quiet, unsure how to approach the topic before realizing being blunt was the best way to be. Jade nodded, looking into Eli's eyes.

"Uh, yeah. We were partying and I drank myself to the point where my heart was beating 5 times a minute. Kyler had to give me CPR while Tory called the cops." Jade explained slowly. Watching as Eli's face seemed to go through so many emotions.

"...was that the night that we talked?"

This time Jade stayed quiet, not wanting the boy to blame himself because in all honesty it wasn't his fault. No one but Jade Lester decided to drink the amount that she did.

"Fuck." Eli cursed, running a hand through his hair and looking away. "I shouldn't have-"

And for the first time since rehab, Jade felt truly angry. The punk set down the guitar and went over to the boy and gave him a harsh shove. Eli stumbled and looked at the girl wide eyed.

"Shut the fuck up." Jade snarled, shoving the boy again. "That wasn't your fault. You do not need to apologize or blame yourself."

Eli looked down at the punk haired teen in confusion. "But I-"

Jade let out a frustrated huff and pointed at the boy. "Did you force alcohol down my throat or make me drink?"

"Well, no, but I caused you so much stress and-"

"And nothing, Eli!" Jade interrupted angrily, pushing the boy again. Eli fell onto the bed and sat up, this time looking up at Jade through wide eyes. Jade used the new height difference to grasp her old lovers face between two stern hands. "Stop making this about you!"

"About me?!" Eli asked, an anger taking over. His own hands pried the hands off his cheeks and held onto the wrists firmly. "That's rich coming from the pity party princess herself."

Jade huffed, but didn't turn away and returned the glare with equal passion. "Even without the hair you're still a pain in my fucking ass."

And Eli paused, considering the words and felt as if he was on top of a wall and he had to pick a side. His wrists loosened their hold.

The punk frowned, noticing the far away look and the change in demeanor. "...too soon?"

There was a silence before Eli snorted then chuckled then he start full blown laughing. Jade stared at the boy in confusion, wondering just what had happened. Jade tried to pull herself away from the boy starting to feel a little offended.

But Eli pulled Jade to him with a smirk, still chuckling. "Not soon enough." And his hand found it's way to the back of her head and pulled her in for a kiss.

This... was not what Jade expected. The kiss was the taste of familiar with the feel of something new. The punk would be lying if she didn't admit to falling into the kiss immediately, climbing on top of the boy.

Their touches were filled with 'I missed you' and 'I'm sorry' but neither statement would leave the teens' lips as clothes fell onto the floor and breathing became heavy. The two pulled away for a moment and stared at each other, enjoying the almost healthy look in the other's eyes.

"...I like your jacket."

"I like your hair cut."

And the two let out small chuckles at each other and themselves. The tension between the two seemed to disappear like a breath on a cold day or smoke leaving a fire. Gradually, a new tension filled the room.

This one was far from unpleasant.

The two bodies seemed to melt together into one and if Jade believed in religion she would understand what it meant to become one flesh. Unlike other hate filled moments of passion, this was something she had never been apart of before.

At the end the two laid together in silence, comfortable and relaxed.

"...So you're gonna sing?"

Jade turned onto her side and looked at Eli with a smirk. "I guess so?" Eli smiled and chuckled, flipping onto his side to look at the girl.

"Have you decided what?"

"Well I was gonna sing an angry song I wrote about you, but..." Jade trailed off and gestured between the two, Eli shrugging.

"I could piss you off enough to angry sing...?" Eli supplied helpfully. "Shave your head?"

Jade pretended to think about it. "Hmmm, could work. But it'd have to be worse than that." Eli smirked and went to suggest something but the punk interrupted. "Can't destroy my jacket this time either. This one don't have memories yet."

"I think you've got at least on now." They both chuckled at the joke, enjoying the cynical humor. Joking about what they'd done to each other in past was almost like an apology and gave them the much needed closure.

The chuckled eventually died out and Jade sighed as she sat up and cracked her body. "And nothing you could do to me would make me angry anyways." Eli followed her actions and frowned.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Jade paused, sitting in the bed with her feet in the floor. "... it means I was more angry at myself for what I did to you than what you did to me."

And there was the quiet again.

"... I was fucking pissed at myself for turning you into a bully." It was almost a whisper as Eli admitted his feelings out loud.

The punk shrugged and started redressing her self. "I lost myself a while ago. It's not very punk to pick on the weak." And the two continued to get dressed in silence, the noise of the party filling the space between them.

Once the two were fully dressed, Jade grabbed the guitar and looked at Eli with a small smile.

"So, uh..." Eli scratched the back of his head with a nervous smile. "Wanna get lunch sometime? There's a new Spider-Man movie out and uh..."

"As long as it ends with us in a bed, I'd fucking throw rocks at a tree, chiqui." The nickname brought back a memory from a few weeks ago with Miguel and Eli scowled. Jade frowned at the sudden change in emotion. "What the fuck wrong with you?"

It came out as a grumble and Jade had to ask him to repeat because she didn't hear him. "Have you really been calling me 'little boy' this entire time?!"

Jade blinked before letting out a huge laugh at the question, doubling over. Tears started forming in her eyes and she couldn't breathe. Eli scowled with a blush and looked away.

"F-fuck, I'm glad you're back." Jade chuckled and gave the blushing teen a kiss on the cheek. "Shy in the streets, but a freak in the sheets."

"Yeah, yeah. Go sing your angry songs." Eli grumbled, but a smile threatened to appear on his face. "Bitch."

"Love ya too, chiqui!" Jade hollered out with a wave as she left the room, not thinking about her choice of words. That was exactly what she needed.

That's what they both needed.



Oh did I mention I had a manic episode and finished past season 4 and will be stopping because I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE AHA 😤

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