Don't Know How to Stop

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~I don't know how to stop, I give it all I've got
It's like my brakes are shot, I gotta have too much
I don't know how to stop, Gets crazy but so what~

It was like wading through a dream walking through the backyard of the LaRusso's.

The other cobra's on her squad were crouching and giving her glares to get down - stay low - so they won't be noticed but Jade couldn't care less. Ignoring the others, the punk kept her hands in her pockets and Hawk was damn sure the teen was deliberately stepping on every leaf and stick she could.

After the millionth snap Hawk grabbed onto the teen and forced her against the back of a tree in frustration. Hissing quietly to the girl, he asked her a question. "What the fuck are you doing, Jade?" Jade rolled her eyes and looked away.

Hawk put his hand on her chin to force her to look back at him. He was met with little resistance as Jade almost lazily looked back at him, uninterested and bored. A seedling of worry starting slithering in his stomach.

"Jade? Are you... high?" Jade's lip turned into a smirk, confirming his suspicions and he sighed, the anger snuffed out. After looking down at the girl's outfit he looked up at the sky, feeling a little worn out by the girl's antics. "Why did you wear a skirt to this?"

With a chuckle, Jade grabbed the bottom of her skirt and lifted it up to flash the kid. Panicked, Hawk used his own hands to try to shove her skirt back down. "Chill out, chiqui. I'm wearing shorts underneath. It's fine. Look, I'm wearing a snake." Jade pointed to her shirt, showing off proudly the snake she chose for this occasion. Hawk sighed again and leaned his forehead onto the girl's own. With his own eye's closed, he used the feeling of Jade's skin to calm himself down and ground.

Without saying anything else, the redhead grabbed Jade's wrist and led her quickly to the back porch, where the others had collected.

Lighting up her millionth cigarette, she remembered when Nate asked her if she just smoked for the aesthetic. She didn't know what he meant and the kid spent 30 minutes unravelling the meaning of aesthetics.

No. She didn't.

When Bert walked outside, her face was the first one he saw. With a puff of smoke, Jade let out a smirk at the excitement to fear that dropped onto his face as Chris and Doug grabbed him and shoved him through the window.

She walked slowly behind the crowd and stayed at the back door, her smoke having just begun. Her eyes met Nathaniel's and her heart skipped a beat at the look of fear and anger and distrust that mixed together like a cocktail of fucked-up-situation.

Her gaze flickered to Demetri, who also moved his own sights onto her. She watched the frown and furrowed eyebrows trace the black left eye, bandaged nose bridge, and the small cut under her lip. With a small smirk, she sent a wave to the brunette and a wink.

Tory's dramatic entrance went as planned. The fear factor increase was visible and even though the fake blonde's shout was shrill, Jade silently applauded the well executed plan.

Jade stayed back, watching the carnage ensue while finishing her cigarette. She didn't retain any of the information that Robby had given to her and decided to just wing it, not really caring how any of it went.

It was satisfying watching such an expensive home be torn to shreds, even more so knowing whose house it was.

Her eyes locked onto Demetri's as he tried to push Bert and Nathaniel out from the heat. Steadily, Jade walked around Doug's battle and never left Demetri's eyes as she stalked closer. Demetri's eyes widened as he pushed the two back.

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