You Call Me A Bitch Like Its A Bad Thing

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~Can't get your way so you're so pissed off
I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest, I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing~

For some reason, the group of teens didn't like smoke so Jade had to smoke outside of the car if she wanted to cure her withdrawal symptoms. The shakes were getting worse as the days ticked by and the stress continued to pile up. 

Jade watched as Robby stopped Kenny and seemed to raise his spirits. The punk enjoyed watching how Robby interacted with others out of kindness and respect. There was something about the dropout that made Jade's heart swell.

"U-uh Jade?" In her thoughts she hadn't realized the middle schooler had came in front of her, nervous build but eyes wide with hope. "Do you want anything from the concessions?"

"Nah, nene. Don't worry 'bout me." Jade smirked over at the kid and held her cigarette away from him the best she could. "I'll keep you light."

Kenny extended a grateful smile and started to walk away, but something made Jade call him back over.

"Oi, nene." Was she going too soft? "Did they give you money?" The confused look was all she needed to know that no, the teens hadn't. With a sigh, Jade blew her smoke away from Kenny. "Did your parents give you enough?"

The sullen look when she mentioned his parents made Jade feel for him. She pulled out her wallet and handed some cash to the boy. She wasn't sure what his home situation was like, but she did know prices were fucked up here.

She'd steal it back from Kyler's wallet later.

"O-oh no. I d-don't-" Kenny stuttered, nervous that this was either a test or would disrupt the hazing.

"Oh my God, just take it." Jade forced the cash into into Kenny's hand. "Accept what you got, and fuck everyone else, got it? You're not gonna get anywhere if you keep letting people fuck with you." Kenny nodded quickly, soaking in the teen's words of wisdom and stitching them to his heart. "Now get outta here."

"T-thanks Jade."

And Jade watched with a fondness she hadn't felt in a long time. Her gaze was pulled towards her phone as it buzzed.

"Que." Jade snapped into the phone, already wanting another smoke. "¿Qué quieres?"

"Eh, trizillita. Así no se le habla a la madre." The punk snorted a small smirk finding it's way on her face.

"Debe haber perdido peso y creció una polla." A loud laugh was heard on the other line and Jade chuckled along.

"Que pasa?"

Even though he couldn't see her, Jade still shrugged her shoulders and threw her finished butt in the ash tray. The talk was light, but there was an edge threatening to surface. There was an intention to this phone call.

A sigh worth a million words left her lips when Diego finally got to the point. They needed to meet soon and talk. Just as she was about to start complaining, her eyes caught on a familiar kid loaded with food and drink. Diego could wait.

"Espera! Wait, Jade! Rico needs the dr-"

Jade didn't let the middle cousin finish as she walked over to help the poor preteen, but her attitude plummeted to hell when she watched almost in slow motion a familiar red head bump into Kenny with a shit eating grin

"Damn, that sucks."

It would never change, would it? He'd always have a heart of a bully no matter where he went, wouldn't he? Jade was tired of the weak getting picked on and watching him do the picking. He needed a dose of his own medicine, no. He needed to be reminded where he came from. Instantly, a hand grabbed onto her knife and she walked over.

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