True Friends

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~I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you
'Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you
Don't you know, don't you know?
True friends stab you in the front~

"I never said I was a student, Jay."

Jade snorted, cracking her neck to the side and watched the brunette carefully. "Could've fooled me."

"That's not easy to do."

"Yeah well neither is putting up with your flakey ass either." Robby paused, looking over at the girl with his skateboard in hand.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jade caved in on herself, looking away and putting a hand in her pocket. Robby took a few steps closer, invading the teen's space. "Jay, what do you mean?"

With a roll of her eyes, Jade sneered at Robby. "One moment you're here, the next you're not. Today you flirt, tomorrow you ignore. Last night you trained in Cobra Kai, today you won't. You're so fucking frustrating to deal with." The girl turned away, not wanting to look at the kid any longer.

Robby grabbed Jade's chin and Jade flicked her chin away. "What is up with you?" Robby frowned, not understanding where this was coming from. "Are you jealous?"

Jade scoffed and walked around the boy to grab her journal and sat on a bean bag chair. "Have fun at the skate park."


"What the fuck, Jade?!"

"What the fuck, Jade?!" Repeated Jade incredulously. Narrowed eyes and hand down her hips, she looked at the red head on the ground. "You should know better than to break into my apartment, you idiot!"

"Man, Jade. You weren't kidding when you said you were doing Karate." Scooter snickered out, helping his boyfriend from the ground. "Oh quit your whining, B. You were the one who had the bright idea to barge in screaming."

Blake whined, dramatically grabbing at his stomach when he stood up. "Yeah, but now I'm never gonna have kids."

"Like you wanted them anyways, dipshit." Teased Lacey as she walked through the door with Rum behind her. "Hey Jade."

It wasn't long before the band raided the teen's fridge for her drinks and sat around the apartment with a joint passed around. Jade after her first hit took a deep breath in and relaxed her shoulders. "Uh, thanks for coming..."

"We said we're here for you, Jade." Shrugged Rum, grabbing the stick and smiled. "So what's going on?"

"Is it boy talk?" Lacey asked, taking her own hit.

Scooter narrowed his eyes at the girl and pointed at his face. "Or does it have to do with you looking like a Freddy Krueger extra?"

Jade looked over at the crew sheepishly. "Maybe a little of both...?"


"So..." Blake started, staring at the ceiling with his head in Scooters lap. "That's what's been going on and now you feel lost on where to go now."

Jade nodded, her body feeling like a cloud. "Sip."

"And both guys you like were jerks?"


"Why didn't you get with Demetri?" Lacey piped up helpfully. "I liked the dynamic. Plus, you grinned a little while talking about him."

"She also grinned while talk about her son." Rum grunted from the kitchen.


It was quiet for a moment as Jade's brain went both a thousand miles a second and just a step a minute.


"What? What's wrong?"

"I wish I was gay."

Blake snorted, his worry settling down. "Why is that?"

"Because then I could just fuck Tory or something and there would be no more fighting."

The band nodded, pretending to understand and agreed with teen.

"Listen, Tiny Taco-"

"Yes, Tall Racist?"

Blake rolled his eyes and scooted up to look at the girl. "First loves don't work out and that's okay. It's okay to hurt, to feel, to experiment, to love, to break." Jade scoffed, and Scooter cut off her emotionally stunted quip.

"But it's not okay to be self destructive, kid."

Jade frowned at the couple, hating their words making sense. "I'm not high enough because I understood that, ugh."

Scooter made eye contact with Rum and the older of the two nodded to continue. With the permission of the drummer, the dread lock punk looked over at Jade with a smirk. "However... the jacket thing is unforgivable...."

"Hold off on the revenge speak..." Jade interrupted. "I've gotta test a theory."

"I ain't above hitting a kid who deserves it."

Jade chuckled, her heart feeling while with her family. "Me neither."


After their drama circle - where everyone got to spit out their own life problems - Blake decided a trip to the movies was in order.

So, they all loaded up and headed to watch whatever they could get into.

"Holy shit..." Jade whispered, wide eyed and an awe. "That's insane."

"Do..." Blake paused, eyes narrowed on the screen in suspicion. "Do you think this really happened."

Jade nodded seriously. "A hundred percent real dude."

Blake leant back in his seat and let out a breath of disbelief. "Fuck."

Rum snorted, listening to the two discuss the totally real movie of Fantastic Beasts. The two were discussing people that are absolutely wizards in disguise.

"Shut the fuck up you idiots." Hissed out Scooter, an almost empty box of popcorn nestled in his lap. "Some of us actually want to watch the movie."

"You're just upset Blake wont suck you off in a theater- HEY!" The teen yelled indignantly at the gave full of popcorn she received. A collective 'shh!' ran throughout the theater, causing Jade to roll her eyes and grumble.


"Thanks for comin' guys. It really means a lot." Jade said sheepishly, rubbing her neck and refusing eye contact. Her freshly dyed pink hair rustled lightly. "I... I needed this."

"Anytime, Tiny Taco." Blake smiled widely, giving the teen a hug and noogie. "We're here for you."

"Don't forget to stand up for yourself, okay?" Scooter gave the girl a look and a side hug. "I'm serious, Jade."

Jade rolled her eyes, waving the guy off. "Yeah yeah, vespa."

"Oye; respect your elders, kid." Rum playfully scolded.

"Like you did that when you was my age."

Lacey snorted. "She's got ya there."

Jade smiled and it didn't leave her face when her family left the apartment and she was alone. Instead, the creative juices were flowing like a river and the girl hunched over her journal, filing it with more words and melodies.

Today was a good day.

Easter post
Thanks for the love ;-;

I wrote this fully o my phone cause I was freaking out lol

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