The Guns of Brixton

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A/N: Cue Brittany spears singing "toxic"

this is a warning for toxic romance in this chapter.

If you are able to and wanting, there is a more mature version in another book on my profile.  


~When they kick at your front door~

~How you gonna come?~

~With your hands on your head~

~Or on the trigger of your gun~

Jade hesitantly walked to the front door, grabbing her knife on the way. Unsheathing the knife, she looked slowly through the peep hole to see who tried to get into her apartment.

Jade frowned and set the knife on the counter. 

It was just a box. 

With a sigh, Jade unlocked the door. Blake liked to do this thing where he'd leave random shit at her door and run away. Every time, he pretended like it wasn't him and he did nothing wrong.

The boxes' contents ranged from dead flowers and bugs to books in different languages to even a melted plate of ice cream. It was always chaotic.

One time it happened while Hawk was visiting. A knock on the door followed by silence. The blue headed teen opened the box to find a condom, porno, and a smoked cigarette butt.

It was hard to explain to Hawk that this was more tame.

Swinging the door open Jade took a step forward to grab the box. God knows what bullshit Blake 'gifted' her this time. 

The corner of her eye caught a shadow of a figure leaning against the wall next to her apartment.

"Got you, bitch."

Jade panicked and kicked out, trying to shove the teen away from her. Her attacker grabbed her foot and shoved her backwards into the apartment. When Jade tried to send some attacks to get him out of her apartment, they blocked every single one eventually pushing her down on the floor.

Hawk closed her apartment door and locked it. 

Jade eyed the knife on her counter and decided to make a break for it, only for Hawk to grab her by the neck and shove the girl against her wall. A poster fell down beside her as the boy smirked at the struggling girl.

"Fuck, I didn't think that would work, but I'm so happy you're gullible." Hawk grabbed Jade's wrists in one hand and kept his left hand applying pressure to the girls throat. Jade snarled in rage.

"Ey, pendejo. What the fuck do you think you're doing here?!" Hawk snorted, not letting the girl go. "One scream for help, neighbors call the police, you're done. I don't fuck around like everyone else."

"Yeah, and I'm sure they'd love to see all the weed, alcohol, and tobacco in here too, huh? Tell me, Jay, what are the cops going to do when they see a 16 year old fucking around with 20 year old men in an underground club." 

Jade hated that he got her to shut up. 

The teen was too smart for his own good.

He was right.

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