Out of Control

355 14 4

~Survival dormant, schemes and sneaks,~

~His blood is weak, he's an oil sheik,~

~Information leak, operations wait.~

That Friday night was Hawk's hair day, so his red hair was down and fluffy, relaxing from the overuse of chemicals. The teen was lying on his bed, fiddling with his computer in his sweats and Cobra Kai t-shirt. 

Hawk's parents were out for the weekend and it was just him living his best life, free to blast the rage filled music that a certain punk introduced him to. Yes, the teen was alone and so the harsh knock on his door surprised him.

It was even more surprising when he got a fist to the jaw as soon as he opened it.

"Aye, putana. Mind if I crash your party?" Jade pushed her way into the house and slammed the door behind her with a smirk. Hawk hissed at the pain and blocked another strike to the head with his forearm. 

"What the fuck, Jade?!" Jade snorted as she stumbled lightly and Hawk frowned a bit at the imbalance. "Are you drunk?!" 

"When am I not drunk!" Jade exclaimed, throwing her arms up before returning to her assault on Hawk. She let out a huff of frustration. "Let me... hit you!" Hawk seized the girl's wrists and shook her, breathing heavily. 

"What are you doing, Jade?!" Jade didn't stop as she tried to wrestle herself out of the teen's grip. She was not going to let this fight end so quickly. Hawk grunted as he took a step back to avoid a knee to the groin. "What the hell has gotten into you!?" 

Pain-filled green eyes clashed into confused blue ones. The blue haired girl's face twisted into rage.

"You!" Hawk's gripped soften in confusion and Jade took the chance to knee him in the gut and kick him onto the floor. Her chest heaved as she stared at the boy with emotions pouring out of her. "You, fuck!" Jade punched the counter next to her, not commenting on the pain or bothering with the bleeding knuckles. "I can't think straight because of you!"  Hawk's confusion turned into his own anger as he stood up and faced the drunk girl.

"Me?" Hawk laughed mockingly as he took a step forward. "You're such a sorry drunk, Jade. Crying over a mediocre fuck." Jade took a step back feeling he had slapped her. "For someone who claims to have been fucking since 13, you weren't anything I'd brag about." Hawk took another step forward, getting drunk on the power she was surrendering to him. Jade found herself trying to avoid being caged in by putting the kitchen island between them.

Deja vu.

"Eres un cabrón."  It came out as a whisper, the rage once again filling her to the brink of insanity. Jade felt like she wasn't in her body, the alcohol was blending everything together. A sneer found it's way onto her face as she spat at the boy. "You... you're such a jerk. How... how does it feel to no longer be loved but feared?"

"What did you just say?" Hawk led Jade backwards into the kitchen counter, breathing heavily as he stared down at the girl. His face was dead, but his eyes held rage. He clenched his fists, feeling the anger boil through his blood.

It cam out as a whisper, but carried the weight of a scream. "I said you're a bully." Jade's own eyes narrowed, matching the anger but slurring lightly. "You think something different?" 

Hawks hands grabbed at the granite countertop on either side of the girl until his knuckles went white. Gritting his teeth he could feel how heavy the atmosphere was and how it felt like it was electrified. 

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