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~Maybe I don't act the way I used to~
~'Cause I don't feel the same about you~
~In fact, that's a lie, I want you~

Before Robby moved in with the LaRusso's, he would walk home with Jade. They found out pretty quickly that their apartments were neighbors, strangely enough. The two would bond over their long walks home, kicking debris along the way.

"Él se acercó hoy."

"¿En serio?"

"Sip. Quería una color nueva en la tatuaje."

"Eh, ¿Que color?"

"Rojo." Jade snorted through her phone, looking over at the questioning eyes of Robby Keene. She put a hand over the speaker.

"One second, it's my cousin. He had a... cockroach in the shop earlier." Robby just shrugged, waiting for her to finish.

"¿Lloró debajo de la aguja?"

"No, pero ayer también vino huyendo. Un otro tatuaje."

Jade paused and pursed her lips.


"Sip. Una luna sobre su corazón." Jade froze and didn't say anything for a while. "¿Jade? There was a girl in here, too. They, uh-"

"Gracias, Rico. Gracias por decirme. I'll come by and visit soon."

"Eh, ¿Diego y yo necesitamos a golpear el pedazo de mierda?" Jade chuckled at her cousin referring to her other cousin. Her parents were shitheads, but they weren't. The family spread across LA and Reseda looked after her well.

"No, Rico. Hay no problema."

"Oye, eso es una mierda."

"Bye, Rico!"


Robby walked up next to the punk with a smile on his face and handed her bag to her.

"Sounds like the cockroach really messed with your cousin." Jade smirked as the two began their usual walk from the dojo.  "He gonna be okay?"

"Yes, Rico will be fine. The guy can just be a little... dramatic." Robby chuckled and kicked a rock. "Ok, ¿Que Paso? Why are you looking like that." The teen shrugged.

"I just.. I really hope we can get some new students for Mr. LaRusso soon..."

"I see, you're worried that you'll stay outnumbered by sexy chicas." Robby snorted, shoving his shoulder into the punk "It's okay, guapo. Sam and I will go easy on you."

"You're so stupid sometimes, Jade." There was no real malice in the boys voice. In fact, it was only fondness. He looked up at the dark sky. "Aren't your parents worried about you." Jade shrugged.

"Who knows?" Robby nodded, finding himself understanding and relating to those two words more than anything in this world. "You?"

"Same." Jade nodded back. An understanding passing between the two.

The teens were both lost souls in a world where the ones who brought them into this hell didn't care about them. They were abandoned and lost, given no hope to escape the system they were force into. Their deaths wouldn't cause any ripples in the world, but it was their life that sent hurricanes.

Their flames burned brighter than any others because to them life was about surviving.


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