Swim Down

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~She said, "I guess you let me down again
I don't wanna be just friends
Don't wanna sleep in the living room"

Jade sat alone in her apartment. Her lit cigarette sat on it's holder on her coffee table and she had her guitar in her arms. She was working on a song while Hawk was at karate.

Honestly, the girl found it cute how hard he tried to be punk. Dying his hair, getting the tattoo, and building himself up in karate... Eli was really trying to become Hawk.

It was also kind of hot.

Sometimes the boy would gain so much confidence that a smirk would take over his face and the flirting would be turned onto her. And she loved it.

The stuff with Blake, was a way to get to Hawk. To get under his skin and free the raging flames that he hid from the world.

Blake was gay.

Very gay.

That didn't stop the two friends from playing a role. Touches, and giggles. Sensual looks, and hands on hips. Hawk's hands must be tired of clenching.

Taking a puff of the toxic smoke, Jade sighed. Maybe she should go easier on the teen.

As she was contemplating going easier on the flirting, a wide-eyed and wide-grinned Hawk with a limp bursted through her front door.

"I just got bit by a fucking dog!"

The intruder made no way to slow down as went to the fridge, and grabbed a coke and a cheap beer. Going over to the smoking teen, Hawk handed her the beer after opening it and started his story about Sensei Lawrence's Badass Training.

Jade took in every word, every laugh, every reenactment and allowed herself to relax into the bean bag. She never like the quiet, so Hawk's random entries were a welcomed chaos in her life.

She took a sip of the cheap liquid and smiled.

"He gave us each a piece of jerky and then fucking whistled and-"

Going easy would be too boring.


"You know, if you don't start actually doing your homework you're going to fail out of high school."

"Yes, Tigre. I know the consequences of my sins."

"How can you be okay with failing?! This is your future on the line." Jade snorted as Demetri took his usually seat beside the girl and set down his lunch tray. "Also, it's 100 percent your fault that this" Demetri waved both hands dramatically at Hawk, who batted them away with a scowl. "Happened."

"Why is this a bad thing?" Jade rose an eyebrow, taking out a ham and cheese sandwich.

"Why is it a bad... Do you hear yourself? Eli and I are two years away from attending a university far away from here and getting professional jobs with a wife to match the salary." Demetri pointed at the girl his eye's narrowing. "You are cockblocking my binary brother."

Jade wasn't expecting such a sentence to come out of the teens mouth and started choking on a bite of her sandwich. Eyes wide, she tried to cough the piece out but found in a panic she wasn't able to do so.

She clumsy got up from the table, grabbing her throat and trying to hit her stomach to clear the airway

"O-oh shit, she's choking!"

Jade tried to gasp for breath as she stumbled and the rest of the cafeteria went silent as the looked at the mint haired girl in shock.

Hawk was the first one to move as he shoved his chair back and ran over to the girl. Spinning her around, he performed the Heimlech maneuver on the girl. Eventually, the piece spat out of Jade's mouth and she let out a soft cry of relief.

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