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''I loooooove you.'' Harry cooed and Louis smiled, throwing him on his shoulder.

''I told you not to drink much!'' Louis said and Harry opened his arms, pretending he was flying.

''We're going home.'' Louis said and Harry started yelling, trying to get away, falling on the ground.

''Are you okay, baby?'' he asked, lifting him up and Harry laughed a little, supporting his head on his shoulder.

''I want to have sex.'' he whined.

''Again?!'' Niall asked and Louis shrugged.

''No one can resist me.''


''I'm not going to say I told you so but I told you so.'' Louis said, handing him a pill and a cup of water.

''Please, tell me I didn't say anything stupid last night.'' Harry mumbled, holding his hand against his forehead.

''You wanted to have sex.''

''Did I?''

''No, you didn't. I was way too tired.'' Louis said, yawning.

''You's rude not to satisfy your boyfriend.''

''Is that so?'' Louis asked and Harry nodded, biting his lower lip.

''Doesn't your head hurt?''

''Meh.'' Harry said and Louis connected their lips.


''That'' he mumbled, his face pressed against the pillow.

''I know.'' Louis said, lighting a cigarette up.

''I hate when you do that.'' Harry said, sitting up.

''Please don't start again.''

''I don't get it. Why do you keep smoking that poisonous stick?''

''You used to smoke too a few months earlier.'' Louis said and Harry rolled his eyes.

''I haven't smoken in two months.''

''I know and I'm really proud of you but I am not quitting!''

''Hey.'' Louis said, when he grabbed the cig off his hands and he threw it on the cup of water.

''This is not our room. Definitely not my bed.'' Harry noticed, looking around.

''Yeah, we couldn't get you to our room and you passed out, so we brought you here.'' Louis explained, just in time when Liam and Niall opened their door.

''We brought breakfast!''

''I smell sex!'' Niall gasped and Louis rolled his eyes.

''Not on my bed. You guys!'' Liam yelled.


''I never gave you your gift.'' Louis said, getting up, ignoring Harry's protests.

''You shouldn't have! You've done so much for me!''

''Nonsense! You only turn eighteen once.'' he protested, handing him a small box.

''What is it?'' he asked excited and Louis sat back on the bed.

''Jewelry?'' Harry said and Louis shrugged.

''By stalling, you are only torturing yourself.''

''Right.'' he mumbled, unwrapping the box, revealing an even smaller one, covered in velvet, red fabric.


''Harry...'' Louis made in a mocking voice.

''I cannot accept this!"

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