A summer birthday and a revelation

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Ma kicked off summer with a double whammy for Dad and Marty and threw a birthday party. When your dad and brother share the same birthday, it saves you time buying a gift. But their gifts were easy. We're giving Marty cash. For Dad, we avoided the clink.

Before everyone arrived, I led Sage up to my bedroom. Once we were inside, I closed the door.

"Are we fooling around? Because I don't find that appropriate at a birthday party."

I rolled my eyes, placed my hands on Sage's face, and kissed her. "No, because I don't want to die a slow death."

Sage shrugged.

I removed my hands, walked over to my dresser, and pulled out something. I returned to Sage and handed it to her. "I planned to do this romantic date, but bullshit got in the way."

Sage arched her brow and took the square box from me. She opened it, closed it, and held it out to me. "I don't need a promise ring."

I took the box from her. "Why not?"

"Because I know you love me. Why do I need a piece of jewelry to emphasize that point?"

"Because it's a promise that I will love you forever."

"Then promise me that when you propose to me."

"Whoa. Who said anything about proposing?"

"Not yet, you idiot. Later. Like after me graduate and become successful."

"You're killing me." I groaned.

"Well, you killed me when you kept denying me the ultimate prize." Sage wiggled her brows at me.

"You're a dirty girl." I put up my finger.

"You corrupted me."

"How? I didn't jump you on our first date! I could have, but I refrained." I pointed at Sage and gave her a knowing look.

"True, but you didn't disappoint me when the deed happened," Sage smirked.

I dropped my head and sighed. You try to profess your commitment to your girl, and she doesn't want it. What the hell?

"Romeo quit pouting. It's not the end of the world if I don't wear your promise ring."

"But I want you to wear it. Do you know how long it took me to find the perfect ring for you?" I pointed at the square box. "Forever. My brothers teased me relentlessly."

"You're brothers are dorks. Who the hell teases a guy about a ring?" Sage shook her head, walked to the door, and left the bedroom.

Well, I guess I have time to plan my proposal. I opened my dresser drawer, tossed the ring inside, closed it, and left my bedroom. We'll finish this later.


I shook my head as I came out of the house and headed towards the girls.

"What's up with you?" Rowan asked me.

"Romeo gave me a promise ring."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Bailey asked me.

"For most girls, but not for me. I don't need a promise ring to prove Romeo's love for me. He shows it every day." I shrugged.

"You're lucky," Reese said.

"You would be lucky, too, if you stop being so damn stubborn." I put my hands on my hips and gave Reese a knowing look.

"I doubt he's even remotely interested in me." Reese rolled her eyes.

"Why do you say that?" Bailey asked.

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