Digging for the truth

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I waited for Roberta in a diner away from campus. As I sipped my coffee, she appeared from the entrance, lumbered towards me, and plopped in a chair.

Roberta leaned forward and whispered, "Can we hurry this up?"

"Why? Do you have a hot date?" I smirked.

"No, but I don't want to be here."

"Relax. No one cares about your plans." I sipped my coffee.

"You're a nasty person, Mindy."

"Why? Because I seek the truth."

"No, because you treat people like dirt." Roberta frowned.

"You're problem is you let your insecurities rule your life. That's what makes you an easy target."

"I'm leaving. I don't need to sit here and listen to your nastiness." Roberta rose from her seat.

"Sit down before I tell everyone your dirty little secret. Greg would dump you in a heartbeat if he learned you paid for a date."

Roberta lowered herself into the chair. I pulled out my phone and lay it on the table. Then I flipped open a notebook with questions.

"Let's start, shall we?"

Roberta knitted her brows. I asked my first question. From there, for every question I asked, Roberta answered, including anything about Romeo Harper. I couldn't wait to expose him and show everyone his true colors.


I came into the office, set my stuff down, and headed to Payton's office. When I reached his door, I knocked. Payton glanced up from his computer screen.

"Do you have a minute?"

"Sure." Payton leaned back in his desk chair.

I entered his office, closed the door, and sat down in front of his desk. I explained the phone call I received yesterday. Payton listened until I finished.

"Did the person tell you their name?" He asked me.

"No. I kept asking, and the person wouldn't tell me."

"It doesn't sound like a threat."

"No, but the call sounded ominous. Should I worry since my kids attend the school?"

"Let me contact the journalism department head at the school and ask for an advance copy of the newspaper. We have an excellent professional relationship since most kids apply for an internship with us."

I nodded and left Payton to make his call.


I called Elaine's office. Her assistant transferred me to her desk. Elaine answered in her chipper tone.

"Elaine, one of my employees, received a call yesterday regarding the next edition of your school newspaper."

I wasn't aware of anyone contacting your office.

"Who's the journalism professor?"

Leah Guillemo.

"Does she distribute the school paper on her accord?"

Not until my final approval. Why?

"I would like an advance copy of the newspaper if you wouldn't mind."

Of course. But I will forewarn you that we have a student wanting to apply for an internship at a newspaper. The student is hoping to do an expose on dating sites.

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