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Ah, nothing like a stomach bug to knock you on your ass. And damn, if it didn't knock me down. First few days, I couldn't keep anything down. Then the third day, I could eat light.

Sage played nurse to my sick ass. Everyone, besides Liam, checked on me to make sure I was breathing. By the fourth day, I was better. I came downstairs and saw Liam. Yeah, I had nothing to say to him.

I headed into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. A few minutes later, Liam came into the kitchen. I poured coffee into a mug without bothering to acknowledge Liam.

"Romeo, can we talk?"

"Why? Do you plan on throwing Sloane into my face again?"

"No, but there's been tension between you and me since I started dating Reese."

I picked up my cup, leaned my back against the counter, and drank my coffee. "I'm all ears."

"I get Rafe is your brother, but he doesn't have an issue with Reese and me dating."

"Rafe doesn't have an issue because he's dating Kate. You have an issue because you're leaving your options open."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Why haven't you called Reese your girlfriend?"

"Everyone knows that we're together."

"Do they? Because you could have fooled us."

Liam gave me an annoyed look.

"Val, Pat, Casper, Rafe, and I make it known to people where we stand with our partners. They're ours like we're theirs. They never need to question or wonder about us. If you ask anyone who Rowan is dating, she would say Pat. If you asked Leokadia, she would say Val. So on, so forth."

"Why do I need a label to tell everyone that I'm with Reese? People see us together."

"People see Marty and Bailey together. It doesn't mean they're together. If a girl sees an opening, she will use it, not caring who it hurts."

Liam knitted his brows.

"You wanted to talk. I can't help you figure out things if you get defensive with me."

I wasn't being harsh with Liam but honest. People will say they have a significant other when it suits them. But when the significant other isn't around, all bets are off. It starts with flirting, then talking, leading to cheating. I spent many dates listening to girls cry over a douche cheating on them. The girl questions everything about herself and nothing about the guy when it's the guy's fault.

"Fine. I'll talk to Reese."

"Be honest with her. Don't lead her on if you don't feel the same way." I finished my coffee and left the kitchen. I headed to campus until someone jumped on my back. I had to catch my footing before I fell.

"Morning," Sage said.

"Morning, baby."

She slid off my back. I pulled her around in front of me and planted a kiss on her lips.

"I see you returned to the land of the living."

"Yeah, having a stomach bug sucks. Death comes knocking, and you welcome it."

Sage arched her brow.

"Then you have an in-depth conversation with your cousin about his aversion to commitment."

"I'm guessing Liam is still dodging the talk with Reese."

"If dodging the relationship talk was a sport, Liam would be number one."

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