Spring break

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We headed to Myrtle Beach for spring break and stayed at the beach house. Imagine our parents, the cousins' parents, the cousins, the girls, and us in one place. It proved to be chaotic with the room situation. Our folks assigned our bedrooms. Val, Pat, and I shared a room.

I set my bag down on a bed as my brothers placed their bags on their beds. While we got situated, Liam knocked on the bedroom door. We turned to face him.

Liam walked over to me. "I was wondering if you would help me with something."

"It depends on what it is," I said.

I knew what it was about but didn't say anything.

"I want to plan a special evening on the beach for Reese and me. Would you help me with it?"

"Why the special evening? What's so important about it?"

"I realized that I want Reese as my girl."

"But I thought you hated labels. Isn't that your entire reasoning for not calling Reese your girlfriend?" I shrugged.

"I had time to think about it. I wanted Reese to know where I stood with her. Plus, I plan to tell her that I love her."

I kept my poker face, but it wasn't easy. How do you dash someone's hope with the truth? I glanced at Val and Pat. Val had his hands in his front jean pockets and knitted his brows. Pat glanced at me with creased brows.

I turned back to Liam. "Yeah, I'll help you. When?"

"Could we do it this evening?"

"Why the rush?"

"Why not?"

"Sure." I nodded my head.

"Thanks, Romeo." Liam turned around and left the bedroom.

"Why?" Val asked me.

"Because even though we know what's coming, Liam doesn't. Maybe this will help lessen the crushing blow." I shrugged.

"Romeo, it won't matter. Nothing will help a broken heart," Pat said.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Can you set up everything for me? I need to talk to someone."

Before Val and Pat said anything, I left the bedroom. There was one person I needed to talk to before the destruction happened.


Leokadia, Rowan, and I settled into our bedroom. Pat came into the bedroom, closed the door, and filled us in about this evening. We glanced at each and sighed.

"This is a terrible idea," Rowan said.

"Yeah, but do you want to tell Liam? I don't," Pat said.

"But shouldn't someone warn Liam? Isn't it bad that we know and don't say anything?" Leokadia asked us.

"Would it matter? Liam had months to talk to Reese and chose to ignore it," I said.

"I disagree with this plan. No one wants to get their heart broken," Leokadia said.

"Yeah, but sometimes, we don't have a choice," Rowan said.

I couldn't disagree with Rowan. Everyone warned Liam. He chose not to listen. It didn't mean we didn't feel bad for him. But how do you stop a crash? You brace for impact. It's the only thing that helps.


After we arrived, Bailey and I hung out and relaxed. I couldn't wait to go for a run on the beach.

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