Damage control

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I refused to leave my bedroom. My phone blooped. I checked it to find a video call coming from Ma and answered it.


"Hey, Ma."

"We need to talk."

I stared at the screen.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Did your father drop you on your head? Don't answer that because I suspect he did."

My brows raised.

"Why would you start a dating site? It's not like you have trouble getting a girl. Heaven knows that we had an abundance of girls show up at the house for you. Out of your brothers, the girls fawned all over you. So, tell me why you would start a stupid dating site." Ma crossed her arms.

"You wouldn't believe it if I told you."

"Try me."

I took a deep breath and released it. "I didn't want girls to feel like I did after what Sloane did to me."

Ma uncrossed her arms and creased her brows.

"Ma, do you realize how much pressure there is with dating? People expect to jump into the sack once you start dating. They forget to have fun."

"Romeo, the world differs from when I dated. People rush things, and the romance falls flat."

I nodded. "How mad are you and Dad?"

Ma sighed. "It didn't make us happy when we found out after Payton showed us the article. But we know there are two sides to a story."

I rubbed my forehead, dropped my hand in my lap, and knitted my brows. "It doesn't matter because the article damaged my reputation."

"Now, it's time to do damage control."

I stared at the screen in shock.

Ma smiled. "An excellent journalist writes the full story and partial. If this person wants to write a smear campaign against you, let's counter it."

"What do you need from me?"

"I need your side to dispute the allegations."

"Yeah, I can do that."

Ma nodded. "Let's get started."

I nodded my head. Ma asked me questions. I answered each one truthfully. The interview lasted thirty minutes.

"I have everything I need." Ma flipped through her notebook.

"Do you think it will help?"

"It's up to the public to decide. But remember, reputation is what others think of us. Character is what we think of ourselves. I love you, baby."

"I love you, too, Ma."

Ma ended the call. I tossed my phone on the bed and blew air past my lips. Someone knocked on my bedroom door. The door handle turned as a white flag waved in the air. The door opened wider as Sage stuck her head inside.

"I come in peace."

I rose from my seat.

Sage slid through the opening and closed the door. She set the flag on my dresser and crept towards me while playing with her fingers. "So, I have news."

"What news?"

"I spoke to my Uncle RJ and explained what happened. He needs to investigate the situation before he does anything."

"Sage, I was a minor when I created the dating site."

"Okay, but did you have sex with anyone?"

I arched my brow. "No. I didn't even kiss anyone on the mouth until you."

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