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I met with Dean Winthrop and Mrs. Bardy and handed them the papers. They read each one thoroughly.

Mrs. Bardy looked up from the student's article. "I never authorized this article. I told Professor Guillemo to kill the story."

"The student took it upon themselves to send the article to current and previous students and faculty members," I said.

"I would never allow something damming to leave my office." Mrs. Bardy shook her head in disbelief.

"We have a bigger issue."

They looked at me with knitted brows.

"The NDA statement is a legally binding contract. I had a family member review it. If the student has a source and revealed Mr. Harper's identity without his permission, they violated the NDA statement. Mr. Harper has a legal right to bring forth a lawsuit against the school and the students involved."

Mrs. Bardy and Dean Winthrop's faces fell.

"I spoke to my family regarding the matter. We reached a unanimous decision about the situation. Please get in touch with Mr. Harper and Mindy Bradshaw and have them meet us tomorrow."

Dean Winthrop nodded.

I rose from my seat and started for the door but stopped and turned to them. "My family built this school, hoping to provide a suitable education to students. My parents attended the school, as did most of my family. I find it unethical that a student would destroy someone for their selfish needs. It's time we right a wrong." I opened the door and left.

My dad believed in loyalty. He stressed it with us. He also instilled a sense of right and wrong. I would dishonor his memory if I didn't live up to my name.


Sage managed to get me to leave my bedroom and join the living. I sat on the couch with my arms crossed and my knee shaking.

"Relax, Romeo," Val said.

"Easy for you to say. Your life doesn't hang in the balance," I said.

"You're not dying. A stupid twit humiliated you," Casper said.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I rolled my eyes.

Casper shrugged.

"Do you want Uncle Oliver to pray for Mindy's soul?" Liam asked.

"How would my dad pray for a succubus? She lacks a soul," Casper said.

"Good point." Liam shook his finger at Casper.

"Who cares whether Mindy has a soul? I hope she gets the hell beat out of her," Rafe said.

"I pick tribute." Sage raised her hand.

I lowered her hand and looked at her. "I appreciate your violent tendencies, baby. But I prefer your sweet side."

"Well, you talked me into it." Sage beamed.

My family and the girls plotted a way for Mindy to disappear. Somebody mentioned kidnapping. What is with my family and abducting people?

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I dug it out and answered it. "Hello?"

Mr. Harper, this is Dean Winthrop. I would like to see you in my office tomorrow morning at eight am.


The Dean ended the call. I threw my head back and groaned.

"Now what?" Val asked.

I lifted my head. "I have to meet the Dean tomorrow at eight am."

The Harper Brothers: Sophomore Chaos (Wattpad Version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang