Luck of the Irish

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I made sure Sage didn't wake me up early for Pat's birthday. It's not that I don't love my brothers. I don't enjoy leaving the house when it's dark to surprise them. I love my sleep.


I fell out of bed and landed on the floor with a thump. What the hell? I shook my head, rubbed my face, and got to my feet. I came out of the bedroom as the others stuck their heads out of their doorways.

"Get out!" Pat said.


"Oh, come on. It's your birthday," Sage said.

"And I hate the color green!"

Say what? I walked to Pat's room, stopped in the doorway, and raised my eyebrows. Rowan and Pat were sitting up in their bed with Sage standing by Pat's bed. Four leave clovers and leprechauns hung from the ceiling.

"Luck of the Irish, lad." Sage tossed gold glitter at Pat and Rowan and grinned.

Well, this is a new development.

"Get out before I show you the luck of the Irish," Pat said through gritted teeth.

I strolled over to Sage, turned her around, led her out of Pat's bedroom, and closed the door behind me.

Sage turned to me. "What are you doing?"

"Saving you from an early death." I crossed my arms and nodded.

"What's wrong with celebrating St. Patrick's Day." Sage gestured at Pat's door.

I glanced at Pat's closed door and looked back at Sage. "Pat hates the color green because his birthday falls on St. Patrick's Day. Plus, everyone uses the day as an excuse to get hammered."

"But you don't drink."

"No, but remember last year on spring break."

"Oh, yeah." Sage wagged her finger at me. "Your dad hiring a mariachi band was hilarious."

"Well, for him, it was. Not so much for our cousins." I smirked.

Sage giggled. I took Sage's hand and headed downstairs. We went into the kitchen. I started pulling bowls and ingredients from the cabinets and the fridge. Since I was awake, I decided to cook breakfast.

Sage helped me with breakfast. "I didn't know you knew how to cook."

"I spent time with my nanas and my ma in the kitchen. They showed me how to cook and bake." I cracked eggs in a bowl and mixed them into the pancake batter.

Sage turned on the stove and placed pans on top. I tossed bacon into one, so it could cook while I waited for the skillet to heat.

"You're like the perfect guy," Sage mentioned.

"How so?"

"You make a girl feel special. You cook. You help others without asking for anything in return. Do you clean?"

"Yeah, I do."

Sage stared at me in awe.

"Isn't there anything that you can't do?"

I shrugged and turned the bacon. Sage sighed.

"Hey...don't make me out to be this perfect person. I'm far from perfect."

"I feel like I'll disappoint you."

"In what way?"

"In every way. You do all these amazing things, and I don't." Sage shrugged.

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