Are you all ready for this?

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Our second year at Saintwood College brought chaotic results. Rafe and Liam weren't speaking to each other, even though they were dating other people. Does that make sense to you? It sure in the hell doesn't to me.

Rafe had every opportunity to ask Reese out, but he's a chickenshit. Liam jumped at the chance. I would have knocked Liam's ass out and fought for my woman, but I don't have a woman, so that point is moot.

Val tried to act like a hardass but failed because he wasn't Dad. Ooh, my name is Valentine. Let me beat my fists against my chest and prove what a badass I am. Pft, okay.

Pat wasn't any help by staying out of things. You would think he would involve himself more that he isn't hiding in his room. But nope, he still chooses to stay out of things.

Then you had Marty, who kept denying what we all saw between him and Bailey. Yep, my baby is a dumbass and in denial. Dude, you have a girl living in the same house with you. Grab her up and plant a big ole kiss on her lips.

I got stuck in a house with dumbasses who don't understand girls. Let's break it down for everyone.

Leokadia is a runner. I've become fitter because of chasing her ass, and Val caught her.

Rowan had to take the lead with Pat because he danced around his feelings. Guys enjoy it when the girl takes the lead because it's less work for us.

Rafe is trying to make Reese jealous while Reese is doing the same. Do you honestly think Reese and Rafe enjoy being with their significant others? Have you met Liam and Kate? Liam would instead tap a girl than learn anything about her. Kate has a mouth on her and isn't afraid to use it. Plus, she forgot how to be a lady. Did wolves raise her?

Bailey claims that she and Marty are only friends, even though they're always together. I'm sorry, but if I'm hanging out with a girl, she's my girlfriend. That's why I date. I don't have those issues.

I won't get into Casper and Hayes. They have enough issues with each other without me adding more.

Are you all ready for this?

I knocked on a door to a house. It opened as a plus-sized girl stepped out and closed the door behind her.

"What did you want to do this evening?" I asked.

"I want to make these mean girls jealous. Is that okay?"

"It's your date. Lead the way." I held out my arm.

The girl wrapped her hand around my arm. We walked to a cafe and entered. The girl stopped. I glanced at her.

"That's Mindy and her minions. They laughed at me because of my weight."

I nodded. I slid my hand into Roberta's hand and led her to the table. We stopped as the girls stopped talking and stared at us. I removed my hand and wrapped my arm around Roberta's waist, and pulled her close to me. Our bodies pressed against each other.

"Isn't my girl sexy?" I gaze at Roberta

I caught the girls' jaws drop open out of the corner of my eye. I nuzzled Roberta's neck and placed a kiss on her skin. Roberta let out a soft moan.

"Ooh, baby, I can't wait until later."

The girls at the table stared at me in disbelief.

I looked at the girls. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you were sitting here. You must not have been memorizable." I smirked.

I twisted Roberta around and led her out of the cafe. I waited until we were in the clear to remove my hand.

Roberta stopped. "Did you see their faces? One of the hottest guys on campus was with me and not them."

A smile curled upon my lips as Roberta's excitement.

"Mindy can suck it." Roberta did a hair flip.

"Okay, that's what you need."


"Confidence that you had exuded now. Guys like girls with confidence."

"Guys like girls that look like models. Do I look like a model?" Roberta gestured at herself.

"That's where you're wrong. Guys like a girl with confidence. It doesn't matter what they look like to us. Plus, you're adorable. You have dimples when you smile. Dimples are killer." I groaned.



Roberta smiled, showing her dimples. I noticed a guy checking her out. Hmm, this gives me an idea. I grabbed Roberta's hand and led her to the guy. After asking the guy's name, I introduced them, then left them to talk.

Another customer was satisfied.


I headed to the admission office to get my schedule. After getting my schedule, I trekked to the book store. I ran into Reese while searching for my books.

"You won't lecture me about Liam, will you?" 

"No, because you're a big girl."

Reese rolled her eyes. "Well, could you explain that to a few people?"

"Uh, no. I'm not getting into the middle of that train wreck."

"Come on, Sage."

"Stop whining. You didn't need to date Liam, but you chose to do it."

Reese pouted. I shook my head and grabbed my last book.

Bailey ran up to us. "Oh, my God. You need to see this." She grabbed our arms and dragged us behind her.

I dropped my books. We came out of the bookstore to see Romeo with a girl.

"What is Romeo doing?" Reese asked.

"It looks like he's on a date." Bailey shrugged.

Romeo had his arm wrapped around the girl's waist. I furrowed my brows. Reese and Bailey looked at me.

"Romeo is single and can date whoever he wants." I shrugged.

"Are you sure?" Bailey asked me.

"Yeah." I turned and went back into the bookstore.

After collecting my discarded books, I took them to the front and waited in line. I had to remember I paid for a date next week. It's pathetic, but at least it'll last longer than my previous ones.


After departing from Roberta, I headed home but stopped. Shit, I need to get my schedule and books. I headed to the office, grabbed my schedule, then walked to the bookstore.

I opened the door as someone dropped their books. I crouched and helped them pick up their books. We lifted our faces and looked at each other. Sage sighed and stood. I followed suit.

"Shouldn't you be on a date?" Sage asked me.

"I was, but it ended."

Sage stared at me.

"I had to get my schedule and books."

"Yeah, I figure I would get it out of the way."

Sage scooted around me. I glanced at her as her auburn hair bounced on her shoulders. I felt this pull as she walked further from me. I shook it off and grabbed my books.

This week would be busy with dates and school starting. I had to pace myself, or I would burn out before the second week hit.

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