The catalyst

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My brothers and I pulled the others aside and explained what had happened with Sage at the house. We agreed to put our issues aside and keep an eye on Sage. I didn't want her to freak out and become paranoid. But I needed help since I had never dealt with someone who had bipolar.

The girls would coax Sage to eat. She would take a few bites and claim she was full—full my ass. Sage can eat because I've seen it.

Sage's sleeping patterns became erratic, and she would snap at people. I would lay with her so that she could rest, even if it were a few hours at a time. Because her sleep schedule was screwy, mine had suffered. I fell asleep in class.

My head hit the desk with a thud as I snored. Liam had to wake me. I rubbed my eyes to find the class staring at me. My siesta didn't amuse the professor. It's not my fault that I'm dead ass tired.

After class, I dragged my ass home and to my bed. When I reached it, I fell onto the mattress and passed out. Oh, sleep, you never felt so good.


I kept telling everyone that I was okay. I don't understand why my friends needed to hover. Don't they have some drama they need to handle?

I came out of class and dug through my bag for my phone.

"Excuse me."

I lifted my head to see Mindy standing there. What did she want? I thought the school expelled her stupid ass. I pulled the strap onto my shoulder and crossed my arms. "Can I help you?"

"We need to talk."

"About what? Shouldn't you scamper off with your tail between your legs?"

Mindy pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "So, you don't want to know what your little boyfriend did?"

My irritation grew. "Romeo told me about the meeting."

"Did he tell you that he accepted a date from me?"


"Oh, yeah, he did."

I narrowed my eyes at Mindy.

"I only requested a date to find out what guy would date freaks and losers."

I stared at Mindy and didn't say a word.

Mindy put her finger to her chin. "It's interesting that girls would pay for a date with a guy like Romeo Harper. I had to ask myself why someone who looked like Romeo Harper would date ugly girls. He could get any girl he wanted but chose girls no one would date. Why?"

I knitted my brows.

"Then it occurred to me that a desperate girl would pay for a date with the intention of nothing happening between them and Romeo."

I gritted my teeth. "That's not true. You paid for a date."

"Only to expose Romeo Harper for a fraud." Mindy scoffed. "I don't need to pay a guy for a date because I'm not a desperate loser. Let me ask you something. Has Romeo bothered to go further with you?"

I stared at Mindy with my lips pressed into a thin line.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. It's only a matter of time before Romeo dumps you and finds a better alternative. He did convince girls that guys found them attractive when they weren't. But if you want to believe his lies, be my guest." Mindy smiled, turned, and strolled away.

My mind exploded with questions and doubts. Then it drifted to Romeo asking me if I was taking my medication. Oh, God. Romeo was treating me how other people did when they found out about my bipolar. He didn't care about me. He was waiting until I cracked up to dump me. I knew it. Well, I'll show him. He can find another poor sod mess with and leave me alone.

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