Social media issues

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I didn't eat breakfast because my nerves were on edge. Sage tried to calm me, but it wasn't helping.

As we got ready to meet the Dean, someone knocked on the door. Val opened it to Ma and Dad. They stepped inside as Val closed the door.

"Your grandfather and Grayson are meeting us at the school," Dad said.

My brothers and I glanced at each other.

"And RJ is bringing Nik and Liam," Ma said.

Our ears perked when Ma mentioned their names. When the school owners get involved, you know shit is about to get real.

Sage gave me a kiss for luck. We left with Ma and Dad and headed to the school. We entered the school as students stared at us. Ma and Dad trailed us as we walked towards an empty classroom. We entered to find the Dean, RJ, Nik, Liam, Grandpa, and Grayson waiting for us.

"Have a seat, gentlemen." The Dean gestured to empty chairs.

We glanced at the chairs.

"No, thanks. We're good withstanding," Val said.

The Dean pursed her lips. Ma and Dad glanced at each other and smiled. We waited as students entered the classroom. My brothers and I glanced at each other. We recognized the students from the football team, cheer team, and student body council. Twenty students found a seat and sat down.

The Dean walked over to the door and closed it to give us privacy. She clasped her hands together and faced the students. "It seems we have a slight issue."

Liam scoffed.

The Dean glanced at Liam. "Is there is a problem?"

Liam smirked. "Only if you keep these students."

The Dean narrowed her lips into a straight line and balled her fist.

Grayson set his leather bag on a desk and unzipped it. He pulled papers from it and passed them out to the students. "Listen up, everyone. We have an assignment for you. If you look at the papers you hold, you will learn about lawsuit 101. I suggest you start reading."

My brothers and I glanced at each other and shifted in our spot.

Grayson handed the paper to the Dean. "That includes you, too, Dean."

The Dean snatched the paper from his hands and read through it.

Grayson turned to the students sitting. "Social media doesn't exempt you from a lawsuit for defamation of character or cyberbullying."

"That's not true," a girl said.

"Oh, sweetheart, it's true."

The girl gawked at Grayson.

"Lawyers will use your social media in court as legal proof, and the courts accept it." Grayson smiled. "Now," he raised his finger, "we will drop the lawsuit if you remove the posts on your social media and offer an official apology to these gentlemen." Grayson pointed at us.

We crossed our arms.

"You can't sue us for speaking the truth," a guy said.

"Ah, ah, ah, but we can." Grayson held out his hand.

RJ handed him screenshots.

Grayson thumbed through each one. "Hmm, you said Val had a tiny dick." Grayson looked up at the guy. "Did you see it, or are you jealous?"

We pulled in our lips, trying not to laugh.

"Oh, this one is great." Grayson zeroed in on a girl. "You called Pat a retard because he's deaf. Do you understand the definition of retardation? You violated the Disability Act of 1990."

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