The cousins

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We enjoyed our vacation, albeit with a few mishaps like Reese dumping Liam. Who didn't see that coming?

Why don't people listen to me? It would save them so much time and anguish.

While we enjoyed our time in Myrtle Beach, our cousins adjusted to their new living arrangements.


I pounded on Jordin's bedroom door.

Jordin opened it naked. "What?"

I glanced past him to see a chick sleeping in his bed and shook my head. "I need your share of the rent money."

"I'll get it to you later."

"Okay, Casanova. Out on some damn clothes the next time you answer the door."

"Whatever." Jordin closed the door.

Kyler came out of the bathroom and walked towards me.

"What's with the parade of girls?" I asked Kyler.

"It happens when a minister raises you. You become suppressed and need to sow your wild oats." Kyler shrugged.

"I'm not running a whore house."

"Tell Jordin that."

I shook my head, then scrunched my nose. What the hell was that smell? We headed to the kitchen as Roman stood in the kitchen covered in grease.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked Roman.

"I dropped an oil pan, and oil splattered on me. I need a shower."

"Not in this house. I don't need you to plug the drains."

"Come on, Odin!"

"Nope, outside." I pointed at the door. "I'll squirt Dawn dish soap on you and spray you off with a hose."

Roman groaned. I grabbed the bottle of Dawn and followed him. Once we were outside, I squirted Dawn all over him, then turned on the hose. I squirted Roman. He lathered his body. Once he finished, I sprayed him down with the hose. I need to install a shower for him and Ryden. Both stink when they get home.

Ryden walked up and stopped. Roman looked at him with water dripping from him as I stood there with the hose in my hand.

"I don't want to know." Ryden shook his head.

Kyler chuckled. The sliding door opened. We looked at the girl coming out of the house.

"I need to get home. Tell Jordin I'll call him later." The girl hurried past us and left.

"What's this girl's name?" Ryden asked.

"Sylvia, Amber, Kristy, or Martha. We don't keep track of Casanova's girls," Kyler said.

I rolled my eyes. Val told me not to share a house with the cousins. I should have listened to him. It would have saved me time and grief.


I went into the house to take a proper shower. Fucking Odin. When I reached the bathroom, I stripped, turned on the shower, and climbed inside. I scrubbed my hair and body until someone pounded on the door.

"Hurry up! I need to take a piss!" Jordin yelled.

"Then take a piss! I'm not stopping you!"

The door opened as the toilet lid lifted. I heard Jordin piss as I showered. Then he flushed the toilet.

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