The new Dean

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With Patton assuming the position of the Dean of students, it didn't mean we got to skate by. Yeah, we each ended up in the Dean's office at different times. Did you expect anything less from us?

The twenty students that pulled their bullshit got expelled with a social media policy instituted. Anyone who posted online about any student without their consent would face expulsion. The main reason none of us use social media. It caused too many issues.

The best part is Ma wrote an expose about social media's destruction and issues. She posted the article for everyone to read. We sat in the living room as Marty read the article to us.

The Consequences and Responsibility of Social Media
                                  Tori Williams

Recently, I had an opportunity to dive into social media and how it influences our lives. I learned many things about it.

Social media should be used responsibly by people, but most forget that fact. While most people post funny memes, share news articles, or give us a glimpse into our private lives, a few take it to the extremes.

With technology invading our daily lives, different social media pop up with people having increased access to others. Kids are becoming younger and exposed each year to the concept of social media. It has become a digital babysitter for parents.

When did we shove a tablet or smartphone in our children's hands and walk away?

While sites like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Tik Tok, and many others should provide mindless entertainment, it has disrupted our daily lives, too. People have resorted to social media for validation with likes or comments. When did we validate our self-worth by likes or comments?

Psychologists are seeing an increase in mental health problems amongst kids as young as five-years-old. Teens turn to social media, portraying one view while suffering in silence. Suicides have increased by thirty percent, ranging from ten to fourteen years old. Shocking, isn't it?

You add cyberbullying to the mix, and the numbers climb. Cyberbullying consists of posting or sharing information that's hurtful, negative, mean, or harmful about someone. The majority of states passed laws against cyberbullying, including Michigan, which extends off-campus. Is it worth serving jail time over sharing harmful content? Would you like someone to post negative information about you?

We should consider the negative aspects and consequences of using social media. There's always a consequence to an action.

As responsible human beings, it's our job to watch what we post online. If you need to question it, chances are you shouldn't publish or share it.

Be responsible, safe, and positive. One step will change the world.

"Damn, your ma hit the nail on the head," Casper said.

"Ma reports the facts. That's what makes her articles interesting," Pat said.

Liam sat down on the couch arm. "Okay, this might be a dumb question. Why don't any of you use social media?"

"Because it's all bullshit," Val said.

"I found no interest in it." Pat shook his head.

"Do I need validation from people?" I asked.

My family, Hayes, and the girls looked at me. I shrugged.

"It's lame," Rafe said.

"I prefer my life to stay private," Marty said.

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