Getting help

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I rode with Sage to the hospital. The paramedics must have given her a sedative because she was asleep. After arriving at the hospital, they brought her out and wheeled her through the double doors. I followed them.

The doctor and nurses tried to kick me out. I told them I was her fiancé. A little white like never hurt anyone, but it might hurt me. Eh, I'll deal with it later.

A few minutes later, Ryker and Valerie appeared in the room. Ryker spoke to the doctor about Sage and explained that she has bipolar. Better him than me because I didn't know what medication she took or her doctor's name. I need to learn more about Sage's condition to help her.

"Thank you for the information. Your granddaughter's fiancé couldn't provide it," the doctor said.

Ryker arched his brow at me. I shrugged.

"Yeah, her fiancé isn't bright." Ryker rolled his eyes.

Val stifled a laugh. Hey, a man has to do what he needs to do with his woman.

A woman appeared a few minutes later. She had auburn hair, blue eyes, and porcelain skin like Sage. "There are people in the waiting room asking for someone named Romeo."

I stood. "That would be my family and friends."

The woman nodded as I stepped around her and headed to the waiting room. I pushed through the double doors as everyone stood there.

"How is Sage?" Rowan asked.

"She's sleeping. Her grandparents and a woman are with her," I said.

"That's Sage's mother, Mary," Reese said.

I sighed. I hadn't met Sage's mom. With everything that happened, we haven't had a chance yet.

Twenty minutes later, one of the double doors opened, and Mary walked towards us. I braced for impact.

She zeroed in on me. "Are you Romeo?"

I nodded.

"Can we speak privately?"

Great. I followed Mary away from the others to speak.

"My daughter speaks about you non-stop."

My brows raised. "Oh?"

"Sage told me about this boy with ocean blue eyes. She liked him but didn't think he liked her." A smile swept her face.

I shoved my hands into my front jean pockets. "I didn't know how to take Sage at first. We flirted, then she flipped on me. I figured she hated me."

Mary giggled. "Sage has a difficult time with people. She becomes cautious because of her bipolar. But she adores you. I hear it in her voice when she calls me and  talks about you."

"Your daughter is an amazing person. I wish I figured it out sooner."

"Sometimes, it takes us a minute to realize our story and who belongs in it."

I nodded. "I want to be part of Sage's story if she lets me."

Mary gave me a sideways glance. "It's not Sage's story. It's yours."

I creased my brows as Mary turned and walked to the back. I walked back to everyone, digesting what Mary said.

"Why do you look like your puppy ran away?" Rafe asked me.

I rolled my eyes. "You're an idiot. I spoke to Sage's mom."

"And?" Pat asked me.

"She said it wasn't Sage's story, but mine. What does that mean?" I asked everyone.

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