Returning to chaos

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We returned to school as classes got in full swing. Then chaos happened. Now, I figured everything was behind me, and my life settled down. School was going well. I was happy with Sage. My brothers were doing their thing. Good, right?


Let me explain. My brothers and I don't use social media because it's all bullshit. People paint this picture-perfect of their lives and themselves. No one's life is perfect. Everyone has insecurities that they detest. Some hide it better than others. I learned this with the girls that I dated.

I came out of class as Sage shoved her phone into my face. I cringed and looked at her. "Is this a trust exercise?"


I took Sage's phone from her.

Sage pointed to her phone screen. "Start here."

I read the text exchange between Bailey and Sage, along with screenshots. My brows knitted as I read through the thread. I looked at Sage when I finished.

"It's all over social media. I'm sorry, Romeo."

I handed Sage's phone back to her and walked away. I entered the house as Marty met me at the door. He opened his mouth, but I put my hand up. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I headed up to my room.


I seethed and searched for the girls. When I found them, I led them to an empty classroom. I closed the door behind us.

"Sage, what's going on?" Rowan asked.

"Bailey knows," I said.

"Know what?" Reese asked.

Bailey pulled out her phone, opened her Snap Chat, and handed her phone to Rowan and Reese. They read through the post. Their eyes popped as they lifted their heads and looked at us.

"Does Romeo know?" Rowan asked.

"Of course, he knows. I showed him," I said.

Reese read through the comments. "Wow, these comments are hateful. Who bashes someone online?"

"A chickenshit," I said.

"Yeah, but how would they find out about Romeo's past with Sloane. It's not like any of us talked about it," Rowan said.

"Oh, this has that troll sister and Mindy written all over it." Reese handed the phone back to Bailey.

"I thought the brothers handle it?" Bailey asked.

"They did. RJ warned Mindy about opening her mouth from what Pat said. Romeo could still sue her for violating the NDA clause," Rowan said.

"Whoa." Reese was looking at her Instagram.

We rushed over to Reese as she scrolled through her account. Our brows raised, and jaws dropped. Someone blasted not only Romeo but all the brothers, including Marty.

We ran out of the empty classroom and into Leokadia, knocking her down and tripping. We landed on the floor in a pile.

Leokadia propped herself up. "You could have warned me."

We scrambled to our feet, and Reese and I helped Leokadia to her feet.

"What's the rush? Is the school on fire?" Leokadia asked us.

"No, but it will be when the brothers find out," Bailey said.

"Huh?" Leokadia arched her brow.

Reese opened her Instagram and handed her phone to Leokadia.

The Harper Brothers: Sophomore Chaos (Wattpad Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt