The cat's out of the bag

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Sage left to give me and my brothers space to talk. We went into my bedroom and closed the door.

"How long have you been seeing Sage?" Val asked me.

"For about a week," I said.

"Wait. I don't remember you both making plans," Pat said.

"Well, it wasn't a conventional date," I said.

"What do you mean?" Val asked me.

I looked at the ceiling and blew air past my lips. "Sage paid me for a date."

"What?" My brothers asked.

I lowered my head and looked at my brothers. "Yeah, I sort of ran a dating site."

"Wait. What?" Val crept towards me until he backed me against a wall. "What do you mean, you sort of ran a dating site?"

My back pressed against the wall. "I created a dating site, and girls paid me to take them on dates. It's no big deal." I shrugged.

"Romeo, girls paying you to take them on dates is a big deal. Please tell me that you didn't sleep with them." Val waved his finger in my face.

"No, I didn't sleep with the girls. I didn't even kiss them on the mouth until Sage."

Val raked his hand over his face. "This gets better and better."

"Wait. Are you Cupid?" Rafe asked me.

I placed my hand on my face.

"Isn't that the idiot you mentioned at school?" Pat asked Rafe.

Rafe nodded.

I removed my hand. "Excuse me. I'm not an idiot!"

"Oh, you're an idiot," Pat told me.

"Do you mind?" Val asked Pat.

"After what this dick did to me last year, not at all," Pat said.

"Hey! I helped you!" I pointed at Pat.

"You helped the barracuda plan her next meal, and I was the main course," Pat said.

"I needed to make it realistic." I shrugged.

We heard a bag crinkle and looked at Marty opening a bag of Doritos.

"What are you doing?" Rafe asked Marty.

"Having a snack while everyone rips Romeo a new one," Marty said.

Rafe shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Is the site still operating?" Val asked me.

"No, I shut it down and deleted the code," I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive. I like Sage and want to see where it goes," I said.

"You hate Sage," Pat said.

"I don't hate Sage." I rolled my eyes.

"You two argue all the time," Rafe said.

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"How does one do a one-eighty with someone?" Marty asked.

We looked at Marty like he was insane.

"Eat your Doritos and shut up," Rafe said.

"I'm just saying." Marty shrugged and popped a chip into his mouth.

"Look, I like Sage. There's something about her," I said.

"But you don't have the best track record with girls. Sloane was a prime example," Pat said.

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