Release day

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While I was in the hospital, Romeo came every day to visit me. He wouldn't leave until the nurse kicked him out. Aww, he does love me.

The girls visited me. Reese and I talked and worked out our issues. Well, my issues. Reese would never hurt me, but my mind assumed she would. Plus, she had problems of her own. She wouldn't admit it, but she's not into Liam as she claims. Romeo was right.

The excellent doctor checked on me, ensuring I was in a good state of mind and my meds were working. It took a few days for the fog to lift and feel normal. I couldn't wait until I could go home.

After changing into my clothes from my hospital gown, I packed anything people brought me into a bag and zipped it.

The doctor checked on me. "Okay, here is your discharged paperwork and therapy schedule. I prescribed you a thirty-day supply of medication. You will need blood work done to monitor the meds. Any questions?"

"Nope, I got this." I smiled.

The doctor returned my smile. Someone knocked on my door. We looked to see Romeo standing in the doorway.

"Are you ready to blow this pop stand?" Romeo asked.

"Big-time," I said.

Jayden chuckled. Romeo walked over to me, grabbed my bag, slid his hand into mine, and walked me out of the room. When we reached the elevators, Romeo turned to me, pulled me to him, and gave me a mind-blowing kiss. The elevator doors opened, and we stepped inside. I couldn't wait to get home.


After returning to the house, I led Sage upstairs to my bedroom. I dropped her bag onto my bag.

"What are you doing?" Sage asked me.

"Everyone in the house talked, and we thought it would be best if you changed rooms."


I walked towards Sage, placed my hands on her hips, and pulled her to me. "I want you to share my room with me."

Sage's brows lifted.

"Look." I opened my closet door and showed her clothes to her. Then I opened a few dresser drawers with her stuff in them. "The girls helped with your stuff."

Sage stared at me and blinked.

I walked back to her. "I know it's presumptuous, but I want you close to me."

Before I said another word, Sage threw her arms around my neck and crashed her lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around her back and lifted her off her feet as I deepened the kiss.

This moment right here was all I needed. I had Sage in my arms. My heart pounded as we kissed.

"Knock, knock," someone said.

We broke from our kiss but didn't break eye contact with each other.

"We hate to break up this love fest but wanted to know if you were hungry?" Val asked.

"Hungry?" I asked Sage.

"Famished. Hospital food sucks ass."

We chuckled. I set Sage on her feet, slid my hand into hers, and led her out of our bedroom. We walked with Val and Pat to the bakery and talked along the way. When we reached the bakery, Sage entered first.

"Surprise!" Everyone said.

Sage stopped to see everyone in the bakery with decorations and food waiting for us. "Oh, my, God! You guys! I can't believe you did this!"

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