A Christmas shocker

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I spent most of Christmas break alternating between my house and Sage's house. Sage didn't need to worry about dividing her time between her mom and me. It was a workable situation.

I took a shower, dried off, and dropped my towel to the floor. I searched for clothes when my door swung open. I stopped and stared at Sage. Sage's eyes widened as she slammed the door shut.

I blew air past my lips and got dressed. Once I didn't have a little man blowing in the wind, I opened the door.

Sage stood with her arm crossed around her and her other hand covering her face. "I swear I didn't see a thing."

I hooked my thumbs into my back pockets. "I call bullshit."

Sage peeked through her fingers and lowered her hand when she noticed me clothed. "You could have warned me."

"You should have knocked."

"We share a room at school."

"But we don't share one here."

Sage placed the back of her hand against her mouth. "But we've done things."

I leaned forward and dropped my voice. "I'm aware.

Sage dropped her arms in frustration. "Romeo."

I chuckled, pulled her to me, wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her. Sage slid her arms around my neck and kissed me back.

"Get a room." Rafe walked by us.

"I have a room, you twit!" I yelled to him as he headed downstairs.

Sage giggled. I took Sage's hand and led her downstairs. We strolled into the kitchen as everyone sat at the table and dishing up food. We slid into a chair and joined them. It was nice to have my girl with me during the holidays.


I tugged on a hoodie when Odin tapped on my bedroom door.

"Breakfast is ready."

I fixed my collar and walked towards him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You seem off since you got home."

"It's nothing."

Odin arched his brow.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Everyone has been meddling in my relationship."

Odin crossed his arms. "Would this be the girl that you won't put a label on?"

I gave Odin an annoyed look.

"Liam, if you act nonchalant about a girl, it's a matter of time the relationship will fizzle."

"What do you want from me, Odin? You're starting to sound like the Harper brothers."

"Hey, no one wants someone to string them along. If you can't commit, then cut the girl loose. It's not fair to either of you."

I rolled my eyes and walked past him. I headed to the kitchen table and sat down. Odin joined us. Mom and Dad were sitting and waiting for us.

"What's up with you?" Dad grabbed a plate from Mom.

"Nothing." I placed a pancake on my plate.

"Oh, Liam won't listen to reason," Odin piped in.

I glared at Odin.

"About what?" Dad placed some bacon on his plate.

"Everyone keeps telling him to cut Reese loose, but he won't." Odin took a bite of food.

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