Sneaking around

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Sage and I figured out ways to spend time together without people suspecting that we were dating. It's not that we wanted to hide our relationship, but Sage wasn't ready to announce it. I respected her wishes.

I saw Sage come out of her class and stride toward her. "Yo, Satan's minion!"

Sage looked at me and rolled her eyes. "What do you want, Satan?"

I reached her. "Follow me." I kept walking.


I followed Romeo but kept my distance. He rounded the corner. I sped walked to catch up with him. When I turned the corner, I didn't see him. I headed down the hallway, trying to find him.

A door opened as someone reached out, jerked me into a room, and closed the door. Romeo pulled me to him and crashed his lips into mine. His left hand was on my waist and his right hand into my hair. I placed my hands on his back as our lips moved in sync with each other. Our tongues danced around each other as we kissed.

We finally broke from our kiss. Romeo moved his right hand to my waist and wrapped his arms around me. I slid my arms around his neck and played with his hair.

"I want to keep you in my arms forever," Romeo said.

The corners of my mouth twisted upward. "Really?"

Romeo nodded. "I want you to steal my hoodie and cuddle with me."

"You make it difficult for a girl to keep up pretenses."

"Then let's not pretend around everyone." Romeo shrugged.

"You want to tell the others?"

"I want to spend time with you without hiding it."

I knitted my brows. "What if something happens and we don't work out?"

"That won't happen."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because with you, I want to shout it to the world."

My brows raised.

Romeo leaned into my ear. "You are my world."

"Why didn't you shout it?"

Romeo gazed into my eyes. "Because no matter how much I want to shout it, I wanted you to hear it first."

My breath caught in my throat. Romeo can disarm you in such a way that your knees go weak. I never imagined someone captivating me how Romeo does.

"I want you to be my girl."

My bottom lip slacked as I stared at Romeo with wide eyes. "Isn't that a bit fast?"

"Not when it feels right. I don't want another guy to snatch you up. I want to keep you."

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make a girl fall for you."

Romeo's lip curved upward. I shook my head and smiled. He pulled me into another kiss. Now, I understand what everyone meant about Romeo. He had a way that made a girl fall for him. I hoped he caught me when I needed him.


Sage and I spent time in the empty classroom together. We kissed but mostly talked. I have self-control with girls even when people doubt it.

When we left, we waited to go separately. Even though I wanted to tell people about us, I refrained because of Sage. I didn't want to push her into something if she wasn't ready. It sucked, but I had to wait.

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