Valentine's Day

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Okay, so last year, on Val's birthday, most of us spent the entire day with food poisoning, thanks to Bailey. We refused to suffer with it again and banned her from cooking. No offense, but I had something special planned for Sage after celebrating Val's birthday.

Sage and I got up early and headed to the bakery. Well, she got up early and dragged my ass out of bed—the things you do for love like forgoing your sleep.

We got dressed and headed to the bakery. Okay, it's still dark. What the hell? Did anyone inform Sage that we aren't farmers and there's no rooster? Ugh.

"Hurry, pokey!" Sage sprinted towards the bakery.

I sped walked behind her because it was butt-ass cold, and I was not awake. Sage reached the door first and tapped rapidly against the glass. Braydon came to the door, unlocked it, and held it open. We hurried inside so I could stop freezing my ass off.

Once we were inside, he closed and locked the door. "Why are you here so early?"

"Because we need pastries for breakfast along with a container of coffee," Sage said.

"Is there a reason why?"

"Well, it's Valentine's Day and Romeo's brother's birthday. Last year, Bailey gave us food poisoning, which sucked."

"Bailey needs to stop cooking."

"That's what we said."

Braydon chuckled and waved us to follow him to the back. We headed to the kitchen. Sage gave Braydon our order, and he filled boxes with a mixture of donuts, muffins, bagels, danishes, and tarts. Then he filled a container with freshly brewed coffee.

I paid him, and we carried the items back to the house. We returned, placed the boxes and container of coffee on the kitchen table, then got everything ready. After situating everything, I padded to the couch, crawled onto it, and fell asleep.

Who the hell wakes up at five am?


Romeo took a siesta on the couch while I waited for everyone to wake up. It's Valentine's Day and Val's birthday. Shouldn't people get excited? I am, and it's not even my birthday.

While Romeo snoozed, I decorated with hearts and balloons. Everyone should wake up to a surprise on their birthday.

When I finished, I heard doors open and footsteps coming down the stairs. I stood in front of the table, beaming with excitement.

The others reached the main floor and stopped.

I threw my arms out and yelled, "Surprise!"

Romeo fell off the couch, startled as everyone stared at me.

I rushed over to Val, grabbed his hand, dragged him to a chair, and pushed him down. "It's your birthday! You get first dibs."

Val arched his brow at me. I turned and led everyone to the table. Romeo rose to his feet and strolled to the table while rubbing his eyes.

"Okay, so last year sucked," I said, putting my hands out.

Everyone looked at me.

"This year, we made sure no one would get sick. Plus, everyone deserves to have their birthdays celebrated." I moved my hands behind me and smiled.

"Uh, okay," Liam said.

I grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

"Why don't you join us?" Reese gave me a suspicious look.

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