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Sage and I sat down with everyone beside my brothers to tell them about us. My brothers lingered because they're nosy.

"So, you're dating?" Casper asked us.

"Yep," I said.

Casper looked at the others. "Did we not see this coming?"

"No, we saw it was coming," the others said.

"What?" I asked.

"Romeo, you suck. It's a known fact that when two people bicker, they fall for each other," Liam said.

"Do you want me to meddle in your life?" I asked.

Liam rolled his eyes. I shook my head.

"I think it's great," Bailey said.

"You would," Reese said.

Rowan looked at the ceiling.

"It's sweet," Leokadia said.

We looked at her.

"Can you imagine sneaking around and having a clandestine romance? It sounds so dangerous."

"Excuse you?" Val asked her.

Leokadia rolled her eyes. "It's like forbidden fruit."

"I know what clandestine means." Val arched his brow at her.

"It adds spice to a relationship." Leokadia shrugged.

"You give me plenty of spice with your marathons."

"A doctor does recommend cardio to keep your heart healthy." Leokadia raised her finger.

I shook my head, grabbed Sage's hand, and went upstairs. It should thrill my family that I met someone. They won't worry about me meddling in their lives.

We reached my bedroom, and Sage made a beeline to my closet. 

"What are you doing?"

Sage searched through my closet, pulled out a piece of clothing, and put it on. She turned to face me while wearing my hooding. "I'm stealing your hoodie."

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Yeah, because I always wanted to steal a guy's hoodie." She gave me a cheeky grin.

I chuckled, walked towards her, and wrapped my arms around her waist. "My hoodie looks good on you."

"Does every girl steal you and your brothers' hoodies?"

"Well, Leokadia and Rowan stole Val and Pat's hoodies. Rafe won't part with him unless the girl is special. Marty is waiting."

"Your hoodie is roomy. You could fit two of me in it." Sage rested her forearms on my chest with her fingers peeking out of the sleeves.

"Most of us wear XL hoodies except Marty. He wears a large."

Sage pressed her fingers against my chest and moved to my arms. "I can see why. You're solid."

"We work out."

Sage's brows raised.

"My dad owns a construction business with Liam's dad. If they're short-handed, they enlist us to help."


"That's why Val is more muscular than us. He usually works with Dad."

"I would work out, but my medication screws with my appetite."

I removed my arms, took Sage's hand, and led her to the bed. I sat down, pulled her onto my lap, and wrapped my arms around her waist. "When did the doctor diagnose you with bipolar?

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