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After the bakery, Sage and I returned to the house and put on an act, so no one suspected about us. We entered the house while giving each other a hard time.

"Is that all you do is argue?" Val asked us.

We stopped.

"I refer to it as dealing with an annoying issue," I said.

"More like dealing with Satan himself," Sage smirked.

"You should know since you're Satan's minion," I told Sage.

"Don't worry. I'll dethrone you." Sage walked away.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Where were you?" Val asked me.

"Where else?" I smirked.

"Yeah, I don't want to know. But I need to talk to you."

I arched my brow at Val and glanced at my brothers. Pat and Rafe didn't say anything while Marty looked guilty about something. I'll figure out baby brother's guilt later.

I followed Val into the kitchen to talk to me in private. I'm not sure how that works with people in the house, but I'm game.

"What's up?" I grabbed a bottle of pop from the fridge.

"I'm not sure how you will take it."

"Well, I can't take something if I don't know what it is." I cracked my pop and sipped it.

"Sage has bipolar."

I gulped my pop. "Okay."

"Wait. What?"

"So, Sage has bipolar." I shrugged.

Val cocked his head and narrowed his eyelids. "That doesn't bother you?"

"Nope." I took another swig.

Val crossed his arms. "Why? You're the first to say something about someone."

I lowered my bottle. "Because Sage told me on my birthday after the shit that went down with Sloane."

Val stared at me with narrowed eyes.

"How did you find out? Because I doubt Sage told you."

"Marty told me because Bailey told him."

"Oh? And it was Marty's place to run his mouth? I must have missed that it's no one's business about people's business."

"Romeo, he thought we should know."

I replaced the cap on my bottle and set it on the counter. "Val, it wasn't his place to say anything."

"And what happens if Sage needs help?"

"Then she'll get it but don't defend his actions. That's the problem with everyone. They have an insatiable need to blurt out someone's private information." I left the kitchen, pissed off that I was even having this conversation with Val.

I walked past Marty and shot him a glare. Marty shifted in his spot. Pat and Rafe glanced at each other. I didn't say a word to my brothers because it wouldn't matter. No one can keep their mouths shut.

I headed upstairs, made a beeline to Sage's bedroom, and closed the door behind me. Sage swiveled to face me.

"We have a problem," I said.

"What's the problem?"

I locked the door and crept towards her. "My brothers know about your bipolar."

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