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We headed home for Christmas. When we arrived, we didn't even get out of the car until the front door flew open, and Ma ran towards the car with Dad appearing at the front door. Of course, he laughed.

Ma bounced in her spot as Val opened the car door. "My babies!" She held her arms out.

Val wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground. We followed suit. Now, imagine a five-foot-four woman hugging guys around six feet. We got our height from Dad, making Ma short.

Ma hugged Leokadia and Rowan and glanced around us. "Where's Sage?"

"We dropped Sage off at home. She'll come over after she gets settled at home," I said.

"Hold up."

We stopped getting our bags from the car.

"I didn't raise my boys to be cavemen."

Dad carried bags past her. "No, you raised hellraisers."

Ma rolled her eyes and turned to Dad. "That's not what I meant, Elias!"

"It's the truth, woman!"


We laughed. My brothers and girls headed into the house.

I walked over to Ma with my bag hanging from my shoulder. "I'm picking up Sage after I drop my bag off. I wanted to give her time to settle in at home."

Ma wrapped her around my waist. "And that's why girls love you."

I smiled as we strolled towards the house.


After Romeo dropped me off at home, I found my mom waiting. I dropped my bag and hugged her. For years, it was only us after we moved to Oakridge.

"It's good to have you home," Mom said.

"I missed you."

"So, I thought we could decorate and make cookies."

"Sounds good."

Mom smiled.

"Romeo wants to introduce me to his parents as his girl." I grinned.

"Oh." My mom's smile faded.

"I guess his mom goes all out for Christmas."

"Well, you should visit his family for Christmas." My mom smiled.


"It's okay, Sage. It's your first Christmas with a boyfriend. You should spend time with him."

My brows knitted. My mom forced a smile while playing with her fingers.

"Why don't you come with me? I'm sure his parents wouldn't mind."

"It's fine. We'll do something later. Take your bag upstairs."

I grabbed my bag and took it upstairs. My mom refused to date while I was growing up. It wasn't right. I understand why now, but she deserves to be happy.

"Sage!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

I left my bedroom and came downstairs to find Romeo standing in the foyer. I walked over, threw my arms around his neck, and crashed my lips into his. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifted me off the floor, and kissed me back. He set me down. We turned to my mom.

"Have a nice evening," Mom told us.

We nodded, left, and walked to the car.

"What's up with your mom?" Romeo asked me.

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