A start of something

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The following evening, I waited at the Coney Island for Sage. Ten minutes later, she hurried to the booth where I was sitting.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Rough day?" I arched my brow.

Sage sighed. "I had classes. Then Reese wanted to discuss Liam."

I glanced at Sage.

"I told Reese to quit worrying about Liam. My cousin isn't a cheater. Why do people automatically assume someone cheats if they aren't up your ass twenty-four/seven?"

"I might have had a hand in that situation."

Sage rolled her eyes. "I'm aware you riled Reese up because she told me."

"There are no secrets between you girls, are there?"

"I trust my friends. They kept my bipolar a secret so that no one would find out. I don't even want to consider what the Percy sisters would have done."


Sage stared at me and blinked.

"Can we not discuss the Percy sisters?"

Sage knitted her brows.

"It wasn't a great time in my life. I would rather focus on you. I owe you a better date." I winked at Sage.

Her cheeks turned a faint pink. I handed her a menu and opened mine. I couldn't decide what I wanted since everything looked delicious.

"What are you getting?"

I glanced up from my menu to see Sage peeking over hers. "I'm not sure yet. Why?"

"Because I'm not sure either. I figure if you picked something, it would give me an idea."

I couldn't help but smile.

"I thought about a burger, but a sandwich sounds good, too. Then you have coney dogs, but there's also breakfast. What do you think?"

"We should order breakfast and share it."

Sage lowered her menu and stared at me. "Huh?"

"Hear me out. I order French toast with a side dish. You order a waffle with sides. We give each other half of our meal. That way, we get a variety of food."

Sage's face lit up. "I like your thought process."

The server came and took our order, then left us alone. Thank God because I didn't want to deal with a flirty server.

"You're not half bad."

I raised my brow.

"I didn't realize how deep of a person you were. You have this perspective about people that most don't understand."

"I learned to read body language."

"What do you mean?"

"People will say whatever, but their body language reveals so much about them. Most people lack confidence."

"Oh." Sage shifted in her seat.

I leaned on the table and interlocked my fingers. "It doesn't help when someone damages another person's self-esteem. I learned it doesn't matter about someone's appearance. Everyone has a unique quality."

Sage relaxed. "I always wonder if I do or say the wrong thing."


Sage shrugged.

"Are you afraid people judge you?"


"Am I judging you?"

The Harper Brothers: Sophomore Chaos (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now