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In my experience, meeting parents is always tricky. They will like either like you or they won't. Father's idea daughters are problematic because they want to protect their little girls. But fathers don't compare to mothers with their children. If you think about it, only a child knows the mother's heartbeat because the mother carried them. I learned this with my ma.

Sage and I ran into the bakery and shivered. The air becomes bitter with the winter months approaching. Sage's mom sat at a table, waiting for us. Sage waved to her mom as her mom waved back. We walked towards the table as Mary stood to greet us.

"Mom, you remember Romeo, don't you?" Sage asked.

"It's nice to see you again, Romeo. Shall we sit?" Mary gestured to two empty chairs.

I removed my coat and sat down as Sage sat next to me.

Sage, why don't you get us coffee? I'm sure Romeo needs a warm drink." Mary smiled at Sage.

"Sounds good to me. I need something warm to stop freezing to death." Sage stood and headed to the counter.

Mary glanced at Sage in line, then turned her attention to me. "I wanted to thank you for what you did for my daughter."

"There's no need."

"No, there is." Mary glanced at Sage. "My dad worries about any man that comes near Sage and me because of Sage's father."

"Is that Henry?"

Mary raised a brow.

"You and Mr. Michaels mentioned him in Sage's hospital room." I offered a slight smile.

Mary leaned over the table and lowered her voice. "Sage's father left when she was two. My family helped him."

My brows lifted.

"Henry drank and had a nasty temper. Sage doesn't know."

I turned my head slightly. "Shouldn't you tell Sage?"

"Should I tell her that her father beat the hell out of me because I protected her from him?"

I furrowed my brows.

"Romeo, my daughter has suffered enough. She doesn't need to suffer anymore."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying don't hurt her." Mary knitted her brows.

I shook my head. "I would never hurt Sage. My parents raised me better than that. Plus, it's not who I am."

"Who are you?  Who is Romeo?"

I leaned on the table with my arms crossed. "I'm someone who cares about the people in their life. I would rather they be happy than miserable. If I can make it happen, I will."

Mary sat back in her chair and studied me. Most parents analyze their children's significant others and size them up. Hell, my ma was notorious for making her dislike known with the girls we dated. She hated the Percy sisters.

"You seem like you care about my daughter's welfare. It's rare to find people like that."

"I love your daughter."

Mary nodded.

Sage returned with our drinks and set them in front of us. "So, did you grill, Romeo?"

"No, we came to an understanding," Mary said.

"I know you worry about me, but you don't need to with Romeo."


"Because he's amazing and treats me with respect."

The Harper Brothers: Sophomore Chaos (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now