Unconditional love

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Dad left to head home. Jayden stayed to handle Sage's medical care. I had to attend class to avoid flunking out of school. After classes, it was a different story.

I headed to the hospital and checked at the front desk. The person gave me Sage's room number. I stepped into the elevator and pressed six. The elevator dinged with each passing floor until it reached Sage's floor. I stepped off and walked towards her room. When I arrived, I found Sage awake and sitting up. Sage looked at me as I entered her room and walked over to her bed.

I placed my hands on her railing. "How are you feeling?"


"Yeah, you haven't been sleeping much."

"Everything feels out of sorts. My mind is in a fog."

"What did the doctor say?"

"He said it was normal because of the meds. He wants me to rest and eat while they regulate my meds."

"Hey, look at me."

Sage's emerald eyes met mine.

I slid my hand into hers. "I'm not going anywhere. Well, except to class because my dad will kick my ass if I flunk out."

A chuckled escaped Sage's lips.

"I got you to laugh."

"Yeah, you did."

I let go of Sage's hand and dragged a chair next to her bed. I sat down and held her hand. The warmth of her hand calmed me.

"I look like shit." Sage rubbed her temple.

"No, you don't. You look beautiful."

Her face snapped in my direction.

"I miss waking up and seeing your bed head."

"That was the dumbest thing you have ever said to me."

I chuckled.

"But I appreciate it."

"Then you'll appreciate what I have planned when they spring you."

Sage arched her brow at me. "Oh?"

"I have a hoodie with your name on it waiting for you. We need late-night runs to the store for junk food. Cuddling. Everything I want to do now."

"Even after I freaked out on you and called you a cocksucking motherfucker?"

"I don't remember you calling me that. When did you call me it?"

"I didn't. I thought it."

"Um, okay."

"It was during my manic phase."

"You don't think that now, do you?"

"No, because I lost my mind. I assumed something was going on between you and Reese."

"Yeah, no. Reese isn't my type. She's a little rough around the edges."

"It's because her parents died and her older brothers raised her."


"Don't mention Reese's parents to her. It's still hard for her to talk about."

"Not my place. I'll let Rafe deal with it."

"Rafe is dating Kate. Liam is dating Reese. Did someone hit you in the head?"

I chuckled. That's the sassiness I miss and love. "No, but it's a matter of time before Rafe comes to his senses."

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