The sh*t has hit the fan and splattered

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I got up and noticed Sage wasn't next to me. She must have met the girls at the bakery. I'll join her.

After showering and dressing, I headed out. I strolled towards the bakery, swung my keys around my finger, and whistled a happy tune. As I walked, I noticed people stop, look at me, and whisper. I shook my head and kept on my path.

The bell chimed to the bakery. People stopped and stared at me as I entered. Okay, people are acting weird. I'll chalk it up to the insanity of college life.

I glanced around and didn't see Sage in the bakery. But I spotted Liam behind the counter. I strolled towards it, and he glanced at me. "Have you seen Sage?"

"Sage mentioned heading to the library to check out a book."

I blew air past my lips.

"Romeo, did you check your email?"

"No, I just woke up. Why?"

"You need to check it."

"I'll check it later. Give me a coffee."

Liam nodded and grabbed me a coffee. I waited at the counter until something hit me in the back. I turned to see two girls standing behind me with their arms crossed and scowling at me. "Can I help you?"

"You're an asshole," one girl said.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't play dumb." Another girl rolled her eyes.

I glanced between the two girls and shook my head. It must be a full moon tonight because the crazies have come out. I turned back to the counter, paid Liam, and grabbed my coffee. When I turned back around, a girl threw her drink in my face as another girl slapped me across the face. What the hell?

"You're a fraud," a girl spat.

I wiped the coffee from my face. "What?"

"You're a joke! If you pay me, I'll take you on a date!" Another girl said.

My mouth opened as people rose from their seats and crossed their arms.

"Hey, Cupid! Did you need a diaper change?" A guy asked.

People started laughing and pointing at me. I walked away, tossed my cup, and headed home. On my way, students spewed names at me and laughed. Once I reached the house, I ran upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the door shut.

I pulled out my phone, checked my email, and opened the attachment. I started reading. My brows furrowed as I sat down on my bed. The entire article was about dating sites being a fraud. The person wrote a scathing report on my site and me. After reading my email, I tossed my phone onto my bed and sat there.

Someone pounded on my door. "Romeo!"

I didn't answer but sat on my bed.

"Romeo! Open up!"

I lowered my head and stared at the floor as my tears fell.



After finding the book I needed, I headed to the front and checked out. I came out of the library as the girls ran towards me. They stopped to catch their breaths.

"Isn't it a little early to run a marathon?" I asked.

"Did you check your email?" Rowan asked.

"Not yet. I needed to get a book for class. Why?"

"Check it," Reese said.

I grabbed my phone, checked my email, and found an email from the school. I opened and started reading as my eyes popped. What the hell? My head lifted.

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