It's not goodbye but see you later

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Matthew sat with me in the kitchen while my siblings made arrangements. Oliver would preside over the funeral. Pax and Shaun would help Matthew's son-in-law Gabe cater the luncheon. Skylar and Jesse's family would arrange for the transport of Michael. Patton canceled classes at the college for a few days. Grayson took care of all the legal paperwork since we had a living trust.

After my siblings hung up, they joined us at the table.

"Is there anything you need?" Luna asked me.

"I need my husband." My bottom lip quivered as tears dripped down my cheeks.

"Oh, Hunny." Larking got up and wrapped her arms around me.

"How's Mia?" I asked Lakin.

"Major, Maverick, Piper, and Larissa are with her. I didn't want to leave her alone since flying scares her," Lakin said.

I nodded. "Ma was right."

My siblings looked at me.

"Each loss differs from the others because of the type of love you had for the person." I played with my tissue as tears fell.

"But it doesn't mean that you're alone," Matthew said.

I looked at Matthew and knitted my brows.

"Nora and I talked. We want you to live with us."

"Oh, Hunny. I love you, but I don't mind having my place."

"I know, but I lost one parent. I don't want to lose another yet."

I looked into Matthew's blue eyes. This child has suffered through an immense loss and still keeps going.

"Okay," I said.

Matthew hugged me.


We didn't bother to pack a bag and headed home. It took three hours before we arrived home. The minute our car pulled into the driveway, the front door opened. We emerged from the vehicle as Ma gave us a small smile. We walked towards her as she opened her arms and hugged us.

We followed her into the house to find Dad sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. We walked over and wrapped our arms around him. Dad sobbed, which made us cry.

Ma came into the kitchen and grabbed mugs from the cabinet. "Why don't you boys sit down? I'll make some tea."

We wiped our eyes and sat down at the table. Leokadia helped Ma.

"Dad flew to Florida to bring your grandparents home," Dad told us.

"Is Grammy returning to Florida after the funeral?" Val asked.

"No, she's moving back to Michigan and moving in with Dad. He wants to keep her close," Dad said.

Ma and Leokadia set mugs in front of us. I placed my hands on mine to warm them even though it wasn't cold.

"This sucks," Rafe said.

We looked at Rafe with furrowed brows. Rafe lay his head down and cried. Ma walked over to him and rubbed his back. Out of the five of us, Rafe took someone's passing the hardest. When you peel away his shell, he has a tender heart.

The doorbell rang. I got up and answered the door. I stared at the Sage and the girls. "What are you doing here?"

Sage stepped towards me. "Sometimes, we need to know people care when we're broken."

I pulled Sage to me and wrapped my arms around her. The girls walked past me and headed into the kitchen. I closed the door. Sage and I walked into the kitchen and stopped. Leokadia consoled Val. Rowan comforted Pat. Bailey sat next to Marty and rubbed his back. But Reese surprised the hell out of me. She wrapped her arms around Rafe and held him as he cried. It wasn't a grand gesture but a small one.

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