A busy first week

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Each day, I had a date with a different girl. Some wanted a traditional date, while others wanted romance. I obliged each girl.

The girls wanted someone to show an interest in them and had low self-esteem. I didn't understand it. The girls had dazzling personalities, which made them attractive.

When guys noticed the girls with me, they took an interest in them. I introduced the girl to the guy and went along my merry way.

I came into the house as Marty came out of the kitchen drinking a pop. "Where is everyone?"

"They're busy getting ready for school. Where have you been?"

"I was on a date."

"You've had a date every day this week."

"Yeah, so?"

Shouldn't you pick a girl?"

"Au contraire, variety is the spice of life."

"Yeah, I'll pass."

I rolled my eyes as Rafe came into the house. "Where is your love muffin?"

"My what?" Rafe asked.

"Your pookie, love muffin, sweet thang, or whatever nickname you bestow upon her," I said.

"Kate had to meet her parole officer," Rafe said.

Marty and I cocked our heads.

Rafe rolled his eyes. "Her brother."

"Ah." I wagged my finger.  "So what's your with you and Liam?"

"Nothing." Rafe shrugged.

"Are you sure? Because you shoot him daggers when he comes into the room."

"That's everyone else's viewpoint, not mine."

"Raphael, you suck at lying. You suck even more at denying your feelings. Hey, it's Rafe denying his emotions for the billionth time."

"You shout to talk. You date but don't pick a girl."

"I told you!" Marty said.

I rolled my eyes. "There's no rule that states you must date one girl and plan your future. Crazy tried that bullshit and failed."

"Well, Sloane was a basket case." Marty nodded.

"Sloane was coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs," Rafe said.

I snickered. "You're both right."

A few minutes later, Reese came into the house and stopped. Here is tension. Here is a knife. Now cut.

I threw gas onto the fire and fanned that flame because I'm a dick and trying to prove a point. "Where's Liam?"

"Why do you want to know?" Reese asked me.

"Because you're joined at the hip."

Reese rolled his eyes. "He went to the bakery."

I gasped and placed my hand on my chest. "And he didn't invite you! I'm shocked!"

Reese glared at me and stormed upstairs.

"Was that necessary?" Marty asked me.

"Not only was it necessary, but needed." I raised my finger.

Rafe arched a brow. If you thought we were assholes to each other, it didn't compare what we did to others. The Percy sisters are prime examples. They hated us, and we hated them for obvious reasons. They tried their shit with us and failed. Reese would lose this little game she was playing with Raphael.

The Harper Brothers: Sophomore Chaos (Wattpad Version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ