"No, to be honest, JJ isn't really JJ right now. I think he could use so good old fashion JJ and Pope time" I joke gaining a laugh from Pope.

"Well you are always welcome to come by" Pope says

"I know" I smile and look around, his room is filled with his accomplishments, I honestly couldn't be more proud of him.

"Ah, well I just wanted to say hi. I actually have somewhere to be. But umm I'll talk to you later okay?" I smile trying to hide the sadness in my voice. Pope nods and pulls me into a hug.

I make my way to the door and turn around just as I was about to leave "I'm really proud of you Pope" I say before turning around and leaving my best friend behind.

I make it back to my car and it's takes everything for me no to break down. If it was this hard to say goodbye to them, what is going to happen with JJ.

I get back to the chateau, excepting JJ to be there. But as I walk in I get a text that says he isn't coming over tonight, but he will swing by tomorrow to pick up some stuff.

I just text back okay, knowing that I can't say goodbye to him. I think it would kill me.

So instead I write him a note, and place it on the counter were he would be able to see it.

I pack up some of my things in my car so in the morning I can just leave. The first ferry leaves and 11 so that's the one I'll be on.

I lay down in my bed and drift off trying to focus on what my future is going to hold.



I pull into the chateau at about 10:45, knowing that y/n is probably still asleep. Not that I have been avoiding her recently but with everything that has happened I just wanted to give her space. I figured when she was ready she would come to me, because she always does.

I walk up to the front door and open it using my key, I try to be quiet incase she is sleeping. I peer into her room just to make sure she's okay, but she's not there.

"Y/n?" I call through the house

No answer, I walk outside and see nothing calling her name again.

I walk back inside and that's when I see it. I letter on the counter addressed to me. I open it and begin to read what it says

Dear JJ,

I'm sorry that I didn't say goodbye in person, but if I'm being honest I just couldn't. I know that you are probably wondering what is going on, so I am going to tell you. I can't stay in OBX anymore. My dad is dead, John B is gone, and the pogues, we aren't even really friends anymore. I can't stay and be reminded of everything that I lost. So I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going, and I don't think that I am ever coming back. Listen JJ, I want you to know that you have been and always will be the love of my life. You are the kindest, most selfless, goodhearted person that I have ever met. And I don't want you letting anyone tell you different. JJ you are capable of anything that you set your mind too. I wish that I had the courage to stay, but I don't. I know you will probably hate me, but don't let that ruin every thing. Remember the good times, I know that I will.

I love you with everything that I have JJ Maybank, and you will always be my boy.

Love, y/n

By the end of the letter I am in tears, how can she just leave me. Leave us. No there is no way in hell I am letting her go.

I check the clock and it's 10:50, the first ferry leaves at 11 and that is the only way off the island. I grab my keys with the letter still in my hand and get on my bike.

I make it down to the docks in record time, I search for her car, that's when I see it. She is about to drive onto the ferry, I rev the engine of my bike and speed to get in front of her. I stop right in front of her as she slams on her breaks.

"JJ what the hell" She yells as she slams the door to her car closed.

I hop off my bike and met her halfway, ignoring the complaints of the people around us.

"No y/n, what the hell is this?" I yell raising the note she left me up in the air.

"JJ" she whispers out, with a look of defeat on her face.

"You were just going to leave, you weren't even going to say goodbye. Just leave some bullshit note for me to find once you were long gone. Like what the hell y/n." I yell at her, I wasn't trying to scare her, but I am so damn frustrated.

"JJ I couldn't okay, I need to go and you are the only person who would be able to get me to stay" She screams back in my face.

"That is why you talk to me, before you try to leave your life behind and everyone in it. If you meant what you said in this letter, then how could you just leave me. When are you going to understand that I can't lose you too" I hear my voice break, she has no idea what she means to me.

"JJ, I can't stay here and be treated like a piece of glass that might break, or be shut out by the people I care about because I remind them of my brother. Everywhere I look I see him, and I have nothing to distract me from that. Hell I'm even losing you, and that is the one thing that I thought would never happen" By this time I can see the tears rolling down her cheek.

"You are not losing me ever, not if you don't get on that boat" I say as I wipe the tears from her face.

"I promise you that we can fix this, but I need you here to do it" I whisper into her ear as I pull her body into mine.

"Please stay" I say as she pulls away from my chest.

"JJ" she tries to protest, but I am not letting her go.

"I love you too, you know" I smile at her and run my hand down her face, realizing that I never actually told her how I felt.

She looks at me stunned, "You do?"

"More than anything" I smile and before I can register it her lips are on mine.

She pulls away and smiles up at me. "I guess I'm staying then"

"Damn right you are" I say as I pull her into my lips again. 

(1819 words - sorry I haven't posted much this week, school has been crazy. I am trying to work on y'alls requests, so hopefully they will be coming soon. Also for request I will not do any type of cheating scenario because I just don't feel comfortable writing those. Hope your weekend is going good!!!)

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